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Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and his Love for Perfect Spiritual Guide
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and his Love for Perfect Spiritual Guide
The present perfect spiritual guide and leader of Sarwari Qadri Order of Sultan Bahoo, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman says about his Murshid:
نجیبؔ ہوا انہی اداؤں سے گھائل، دلبر جانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ ربانی
Explanation: O dear! (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad) Najib-ur-Rehman has been engrossed in the Divine love of his perfect spiritual guide. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is the exact manifestation of Divine Essence.
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo says in his book “Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan” about perfect spiritual guide:
“Know that the Arabic word for spiritual guide is transliterated as ‘’Murshid’’ and has four letters: (M), (R), (Sh), (D). Its first letter (M) refers to the fact that spiritual guide gives life to ‘’Murda’’ (dead) soul and takes it to the Mohammadan Assembly and shows the Divinity of “none but Allah” in a single round of meditation. By its second letter (R), it is meant that he “Relieves” the seeker from austerities and “Reveals” the Divine secret upon him. The third letter (Sh) means that the spiritual guide prevents the seeker of Allah from the ‘’Shr’’ i.e. evil of the inciting self, Satan and the people, and liberates him from the evil of worldliness, inward darkness and every other evil which has bound his existence. Then every vein and hair, flesh and bone, rather the entire existence of the seeker starts invoking the name of Allah. The invocation of Allah continues automatically in the inward and outward being of the seeker like the flow of river and his every organ recites (Allahoo, Allahoo) while his lips keep quiet, and he remains drowned in Divine company. The fourth letter (D) of the word Murshid refers to the fact that by the glance of the spiritual guide, the “Dil” i.e. inward and “Dum” i.e. breath of the seeker drowns in the Divine Essence, and he reaches the level of annihilation in Allah by affirming the Eternal Essence. Hence, he is blessed with everlasting life in both the worlds.”
Significance of Love with Spiritual Guide
It is essential for the gnosis (marifa) of Allah and Divine vision to be associated with perfect spiritual guide and to pledge allegiance (bayat). Its’s a false thinking that a seeker can reach the unparalleled spiritual heights of Faqr and Sufism and can attain proximity to Allah Almighty by himself and through mystic exercises and practices and without the Divine supervision of perfect spiritual guide. It has been recorded in the history of Sufism that all spiritually elevated Sufi Saints pledged exoteric bayat and they all were engrossed in the Divine love of their spiritual guides. These Sufi Saints have repeatedly expressed their love of spiritual guide through their writings and poetry.
How can one develop ardent Divine love?
The very next question that arises after the seeker has found the perfect spiritual guide is that how the Divine love of seeker should be for his Murshid (spiritual guide).
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo in his book “Nur-ul-Huda Kalan” says:
“The (spiritual) station of annihilation in the spiritual guide is that the body of the seeker becomes the body of the Shaikh (spiritual guide), the dialogue of the seeker becomes the conversation of Shaikh, the state of the seeker becomes the state of the Shaikh. He becomes like his Sheikh in the habits, qualities, appearance and attributes. The (true) seeker is engrossed completely in the essence of his perfect spiritual guide (esoterically and exoterically) from head to toe.”
The perfect spiritual guide is beloved. Divine love demands sacrifice of everything i.e. wealth, life, relations etc. The sincere seeker sacrifices his desires and will to please his Murshid. It is such a flame that burns everything else from the inward and outward being of the seeker other than his beloved. This is the true station of submission and surrender to Divine will.
Love of Perfect Spiritual Guide according to the teachings of Sufi Saints
The Divine company of perfect spiritual guide esoterically and exoterically is necessary for the seeker of Allah to travel on the path of Faqr (Sufism). The perfect spiritual guide is the man of Divine Essence who is completely annihilated in Allah and immortal with Him. He blesses the seeker of Allah with unparalleled spiritual heights of Faqr (Sufism) by granting the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat with practice of inscribing it on body and invocation of Sultan-ul-Azkar (king of invocations) “Hoo”.
Shaikh al-Akbar Mohiyuddin ibn Arabi
He says in his book Fusus al-Hikam:
“Ism-e-Allah Zaat is comprehensive of all the Divine attributes and is the fount of entire marvels, hence it is the origin of Divine disclosure and is called the Lord of all the lords. The person who is its perfect embodiment is the exact Divine Essence – the true man of Allah upon whom everything is revealed. In every era one person is on the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), and he is the ‘Universal Divine Man’ of that era. He is called the leading Saint of all the Saints or the Ghawth. His way is exactly that of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). He follows the Divine commandments and remains absorbed in Divine love and obligations. Whatever Allah intends to do. He does it through him.”
Sultan Bahoo
Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo has repeatedly mentioned the recognition of the perfect spiritual guide in his writings. He says in Ain-ul-Faqr:
“The Mystic annihilated in Allah is the one who is annihilated in the Holy Prophet (pbuh), annihilated in Faqr and annihilated in Hoo.”
The seeker gets esoteric and exoteric strength through the love of his Murshid. The same love is in fact the purification and ornament of soul. The elevated spiritual station of love with perfect spiritual guide is “Annihilation in Spiritual Guide“. Sultan-Bahoo says in ‘’Abyat-e-Bahoo’’:
الف اللہ چنبے دی بوٹی ، میرے من وچ مرشد لاندا ھوُ
جس گت اتے سوہنا راضی ہوندا ، اوہو گت سکھاندا ھوُ
ہر دم یاد رکھے، ہر ویلے آپ اٹھاندا بہاندا ھوُ
آپ سمجھ سمجھیندا باھوؒ، آپے آپ بن جاندا ھوُ
Explanation: The perfect spiritual guide has unveiled all the powers and secrets of Ism-e-Allah Zaat within me by first imprinting it inwardly. Now he teaches and nourishes those of my habits, states and conditions which he is fond of and are acceptable in the court of Allah. I am not left for a moment when he is not showering beneficence and affection. I have annihilated in him to such an extent that none of my words, deeds and gestures are without his will. He himself teaches me the secrets and powers of the path of Faqr (Sufism). At times it is he who is manifested in my being when I am completely annihilated. I do not exist, it is him and this is how he ends the subtlety of ‘you and I’ between us.
The love for spiritual guide keeps the seeker of Allah eager to seek his Divine company. He desires to be engrossed in the Divine vision at every moment. This Divine vision of the Beloved alone becomes the enlightenment of inward and outward. At this stage, the innerself remains noble and pious slave and ever ready for any service of his Murshid at every moment.
Sultan Bahoo explains this state of Divine love beautifully in his Abyat:
ایہہ تن میرا چشماں ہووے، تے میں مرشد ویکھ نہ رجاں ھوُ
لوُں لوُں دے مڈ لکھ لکھ چشماں، ہک کھولاں تے ہک کجاں ھوُ
اتنا ڈٹھیاں صبر ناں آوے، میں ہور کتے ول بھجاں ھوُ
مرشد دا دیدار ہے باھوؒ، مینوں لکھ کروڑاں حجاں ھوُ
Explanation: I wish that my entire being turns into one big eye so that I may behold my beloved spiritual guide to heart’s content. This may not be enough because what if it blinks! I desire hundreds of thousands of eyes on every hair of the body so that if a few of them might blink I could still behold him. For a seeker the key to success is engrossment in the perfect spiritual guide. Beholding him with so many eyes is not lessening the desire rather it is intensifying making me restless. This restlessness is showing signs of proceeding to the next stage of Faqr (Sufism). A single glimpse of my spiritual guide is dearer to me than performing countless Hajj. May Allah bless me with this condition eternally!
Among the innumerable blessings of love of spiritual guide, one of the blessings for the seeker of Allah is that the spiritual guide blesses the inward of the (true) seeker with Divine lights and theophanies to such an extent that the seeker begins to experience Divine Essence at every moment. Sultan Bahoo says:
عشق اسانوں لسیاں جاتا، کر کر آوے دھائی ھوُ
جتول ویکھاں مینوں عشق دسیوے، خالی جگہ نہ کائی ھوُ
مرشد کامل ایسا ملیا، جس دل دی تاکی لاہی ھوُ
میں قربان اس مرشد باھُوؒ، جس دسیا بھیت الٰہی ھوُ
Explanation: The Divine love engulfed my feeble being vigorously and has dominated it to the extent that I observe the Divine Essence wherever I look. This is all because of the blessings of my perfect spiritual guide who has purified my inward and it is now enlightening with Divine vision. May I sacrifice myself upon my beloved spiritual guide who has revealed Divine secrets upon me.
Mian Mohamamad Bakhsh
Mian Mohammad Bakhsh highlights the importance of Divine company of perfect spiritual guide.
صحبت مجلس پیر میرے دی بہتر نفل نمازوں
ہک ہک سخن شریف انہاں دا کردا محرم رازوں
Explanation: The assembly or company of my spiritual guide is better than supererogatory prayers because each and every word of his conversation and his every glance bestows Divine secrets upon the seeker.
He further says:
خشخش جتنا قدر نہ میرا، میرے صاحب نوں وڈیایاں
میں گلیاں دا روڑا کوڑا، محل چڑھایا سایاں
Explanation: I was meagre and worthless like a poppy seed. I have achieved everything in life due to the kindness and blessing of my spiritual guide. I was worse than the filth on lanes, it is the favour of my spiritual guide who cleansed and elevated my soul.
Subhan Allah! Every word and deed of a perfect spiritual guide is a treasure of Divine secrets. The perfect spiritual guide showers mercy and Divine light on his seekers without any discrimination.
Allama Iqbal
Allama Iqbal also says about his spiritual guide (Rumi):
صحبتِ پیرِ رومؒ سے مجھ پہ ہوا یہ راز فاش
لاکھ حکیم سر بجیب، ایک کلیم سر بکف
Explanation: When I came in the servitude of my spiritual guide Rumi, I came to know that even a million wise men who are drowned in the philosophical thoughts and try to unfold the Divine secret through intellect are nothing as compared to a single man who directly converses with Allah inwardly and takes Allah’s secrets from Allah Himself for he is ever engrossed in jihad against his innerself. (Bal-e-Jibril)
حدیثِ دل کسی درویشِ بے گلیم سے پوچھ
اللہ کرے تجھے تیرے مقام سے آشنا
Explanation: Acquire the secret states of inward from an unconventional Dervish who is not bound in apparent customs of Sufism. Being independent of all bounds, he is close to Allah. May Allah enlighten people with their reality! (Bal-e-Jibril)
Khawaja Hafiz Shirazi
آناں کہ خاک را بہ نظر کیمیا کنند
آیا بود کہ گوشہ چشمے بما کنند
Explanation: I wish they cast their glimpse upon me who convert dust to gold with their alchemic sight. They make barren inwards rich with the ardent love of Allah.
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali states in honour of his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Auliya Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz:
جد دا مرشد حضور نوں پھڑیا، چھڈے سب جنجالِ
کیا کیا میں بیان کراں، تساں آپ ویکھن ہارِ
رضا مندی عطا فرماؤ، توں مالک دوجہانِ
کیا پرواہ اس عاجز نوں، جیندا مرشد عزیز سلطان
Explanation: I am protected from all the esoteric and exoteric difficulties and problems of innerself, Satan and this world since when I took bayat on the sacred hand of my perfect spiritual guide. I cannot explain my situation but he knows everything. He is the master of all the worlds and I humbly request for his acceptance. Why should I worry about anything! My perfect spiritual guide is Sultan-ul-Auliya Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz who takes care of me and guides me every moment.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman
Love, loyalty and sacrifice are not just conventional dialogues or literary references, but the present perfect spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is a living and everlasting example of this. The Divine love of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen for his spiritual guide is visible throughout his life whether it is the search for the perfect spiritual, or the responsibilities given to him by his Murshid, or financial or physical services or to carry out the responsibilities to spread Mohammadan Faqr (Sufism) after adorning the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is the perfect example of true seeker of Allah as well as the perfect spiritual guide.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is a role model for every seeker of Allah
The seeker wants to annihilate himself in the ocean of Divine love after observing the intensity of love of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. The intensity and passion of love, loyalty, sincerity and sacrifice of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is so strong every true seeker tries to code himself in this style of love. Indeed, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is the best example, title and exegesis on Divine love. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali chose him the heir of the Divine trust and as his superior spiritual successor due to his sincerity of intention and Divine love on March 21st, 2001 after approval from the court of Holy prophet (pbuh) at Masjid al-Nabwi.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen says about Divine love:
عشق کی ابتدا ہے دیدار و صحبت یار کی
عشق کا حاصل ہے محبت یار کی
عشق کی حقیقت، عشق ہے بس عشق
عشق کی انتہا ہے ذات یار کی
Explanation: The beginning of love is the vision and company of perfect spiritual guide. In fact, love is the result of love of spiritual guide. The reality of love is just love. The final destination of Divine love is the Divine Essence.
First physical meeting of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen with Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
When Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen came to the holy shrine in search of a charming and glowing face, he recognized his beloved spiritual guide at once. It was as if he had decided to sacrifice his heart, soul, wealth and existence for his beloved. The beloved perfect spiritual guide also recognized his true seeker at once. All spiritual destinations were completed instantly from beginning to end in a moment. The color of Divine love, the way of loyalty, the scent of the beloved and the words from the sacred lips were more fragrant than the flowers were absorbed directly into the heart.
This beautiful and handsome face was of his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. If the appearance of the beloved is imprinted in the inward and then is visible physically in front of eyes, the freshness of this imagination never decreases from the heart. But its fragrance and attraction increase every moment.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has penned this spiritual moment as:
“Who am I … What am I and what is my essence? And the purpose of life is limited to the world only! Day and night alike………Only the necessities of life were the purpose of my life … The struggle to make the worldly life prosperous and comfortable without knowing the purpose of one’s life. The thought of increasing one’s worldly possessions as much as possible … This was my life……One day, the sight of Allah’s mercy … Fell on this sinner … And destiny brought to the court of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Muhammad Asghar Ali … He cast his spiritual glance… My world changed completely… The beloved perfect spiritual guide recognized his (true) seeker at once … 12th April 1998 (15 Dhu al-Hijjah 1418 AH) it was Sunday evening … After Maghrib prayers … I swore allegiance at his sacred hand and became die-hard slave of my spiritual guide. This was the happiest and most precious moment of my life …. his spiritual sight changed the angle of my life”. (Mujtaba Akhir Zamani)
Trials of Divine love on Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
After recognizing and swearing allegiance to the perfect spiritual guide, the next stage of his life was to annihilate in his spiritual guide while undergoing the trials of love. In fact, the truth of love is tested by the severity of trials and difficulties. Everyone loves Divine beauty, but true seeker is the one who submits himself to the most severe trials. His love and loyalty do not diminish a bit at any point of his life. He was always ready to serve his beloved and seek his pleasure.
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI was also aware of the purity of his love and the condition of his heart. In a short period of time, overcoming all trials and opposition, he reached the highest level of ‘’Beloved’’.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen says about the trials of Divine love as: “The mountains would have crumbled if they have passed through the esoteric trials that I have faced.”
Services of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen to his Spiritual Guide
غالب نمازِ عشق کی قبولیت محال
جب تک جگر کے خوں سے وضو نہ ہو
Explanation: The Divine love is not only exoteric state, but it emerges from inward. Love demands sacrifice of everything for the Beloved. The extreme struggle, passion and sincerity of intention is necessary for Divine love. In fact, Divine love is that mental state which encourages a seeker to do anything for the Beloved to gain his pleasure.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman sacrificed his everything in service of his beloved spiritual guide. He spent his lifelong savings for his spiritual guide.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen would arrange the best clothes for his Murshid for every season, Eid, Mehfils and other events.
He was selected for the publication of Monthly Mirat-ul-Arifeen and he performed this task in an excellent manner. Besides, the responsibility of other publications was also given to him.
He was also ordered by his spiritual guide to establish Maktab-ul-Arifeen (a publications department). This department was established in April 2002 and majority of the Sufism books based on the teachings of Sultan bahoo were published under the banner of Maktab-ul-Arifeen. The most prominent are: Abyat-e-Bahoo, Guldasta Taleemat-e-Bahoo, Swanih-e-Hayat Sultan Bahoo, Risala Roohi Sharif, Haqeeqat Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Guldasta Abyat-o-Manajat Pir Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah.
In addition, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali handed over the responsibilities of the Bayat-ul-Maal (finance department) of Islahi Jamaat and the Almi Tanzeem-ul-Arifeen. He carried out all the responsibilities in a very sincere and admirable manner.
For convenience and comfort of his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI during travelling, he bought a new 1999 model imported Toyota Hilux (4 × 4 Double Cabin) for his spiritual guide and presented it to him.
In 1999, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali said, “About 6.5 acres of the land we have in use for the shrine belongs to other Sahibzadas. They want to sell it. If they sell it to someone else, the land of our shrine will become narrow and we will have no way out. They are demanding Rs 2.5 lakh per acre.’’ Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman provided 14 lakh rupees for his spiritual guide.
Once in July 2000, when Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen visited the shrine during the summer season, he saw that his spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI was drenched in sweat in the scorching heat and there was only one fan in the room which was insufficient due to the crowd. He immediately returned and bought an air conditioner and installed it in the room of his spiritual guide at shrine. No one was allowed to open this room. In the evening, he called out in fear and said to Sultan-ul-Faqr VI, “I have made a mistake?” He asked which one? Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen said, “I opened your room for the first time without your permission to install air conditioner.” Sultan-ul-Faqr VI said happily, ‘’Make such a mistake every day.”
After that, when Sultan-ul-Faqr VI visited Uchali in June, he called Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen from there and said, “Brother Najeeb-ur-Rehman! There is a lot of suffocation here after the rainfall in Uchali. Now send an airconditioner here too.’’
In 2001, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali intended to perform Hajj but there were no arrangements for Hajj. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen had already spent all his wealth in the way of Allah. He arranged Hajj expenses by selling his car.
There are numerous incidents of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen related to his services for Sultan-ul-Faqr VI which are difficult to narrate in one article but for complete study one can read the book “Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen” which is based on his life.
Love of Companions of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Sacrificing one’s life and wealth in the service and obedience of the Murshid is the Sunnah of the Companions. As they faced opposition from their family for the love of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). They were subjected to all kinds of atrocities, yet they showed perseverance.
Abu Bakr devoted his house, wealth and possessions in the way of Allah for the sake of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
Bilal ibn Rabah only used to say ‘Ahad’ (the one- Allah despite every pain and atrocity.
Umer ibn Khattab was a staunch opponent of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) before he embraced Islam. But after accepting Islam, there is no limit of his love and devotion for the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
Uthman ibn Affan was considered one of the richest men in Makkah. He sacrificed everything for the sake of Islam.
A careful study of the biography of the Companions reveals that they were always present for the service of their spiritual guide the Holy Prophet (pbuh). A true seeker of Allah should be just as faithful, sincere and obedient in the service of his Murshid. The life of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is an eternal example of such love and affection.
Seeker of Allah according to Sultan Bahoo
“Who is a true seeker of Allah? The virtuous one who circumambulates the inward (which is the abode of Allah), one who is perfectly sincere like Abu Bakr Siddiq, as just as Umar ibn Khattab, as modest as Uthman ibn Affan, fighter against innerself and completely resigned to the will of Allah like Ali ibn Abi Talib, man of sharia and Divine secrets like the king of Prophets, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), as they all are the real seekers of Allah.” (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Rehman has expressed his love and affection for his Murshid in a very beautiful way in poetry.
میرے جسم کے لوُں لوُں میں سما گیا یار میرا
میں کھو گیا اور آگیا یار میرا
میں ظاہر میں تلاش کرتا رہا جسے
میرا قالب ہی بن گیا یار میرا
Explanation: My beloved resides in each and every part of my body. I am lost now. Only my beloved spiritual guide exists within me. I tried to find my beloved spiritual guide exoterically but in fact, I found him in my inward.
Annihilation in the spiritual guide is the most important and difficult stage of Faqr (Sufism). Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen at this stage says:
نجیب نہ رہا باقی، یار کی ذات میں فنا ہو گیا
اپنے غیر سمجھ نہ سکے، کہتے ہیں کہ کیا سے کیا ہو گیا
سنو! نجیبؔ تو کب کا مر چکا اے دوستو
یار سے جب یار ملا، میں میں نہ رہا وہ ہو گیا
Explanation: Najib is annihilated in the essence of his beloved spiritual guide. My social circle is unable to understand this inner transformation because they are unaware of Divine secret. Let me tell you all that after annihilation in my beloved perfect spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali my essence does not exist anymore. Only my beloved exists within me.
Divine love for perfect spiritual guide is an eternal blessing and is bestowed on those special seekers who turn away from the desires of the world and turn to Allah. It is an eternal destiny of those who annihilate their own being in the essence of their beloved spiritual guide by removing the veil of other than Allah from their existence.
This seed of Divine love grows in the inward of those seekers of Allah who do not even refrain from risking their lives in the path of Faqr (Sufism). They adopt the perseverance, loyalty and sacrifice to seek the pleasure of their spiritual guide. May Allah grant us the ability to seek the pleasure of our spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman by following his Sunnah and to surrender and submit ourselves to the Divine will. Ameen
This blog is an English translation of the Urdu article سلطان العاشقین اور عشقِ مرشد which appeared in March 2022 edition of the Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr Magazine, Lahore. Dr. Mohammad Waseem Akram Sarwari Qadri has translated it in English as ‘Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and his love for Perfect Spiritual Guide.
“Who is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen? How can I meet him?” Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the vicegerent of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in the present age. He is the perfect spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri Order and the Universal Divine Man of this era. You can meet him every Saturday and Sunday at Masjid-e-Zahra and Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, Village Rangilpur Sharif via Sundar Adda Multan Road, Lahore.
“How one can gain gnosis (marifa) of Allah?” “It is essential for the gnosis (marifa) of Allah and Divine vision to be associated with perfect spiritual guide and to pledge allegiance (bayat). Its’s a false thinking that a seeker can reach the unparalleled spiritual heights of Faqr and Sufism and can attain proximity to Allah Almighty by himself and through mystic exercises and practices and without the Divine supervision of perfect spiritual guide. It has been recorded in the history of Sufism that all spiritually elevated Sufi Saints have taken exoteric bayat and they all were engrossed in the Divine love of their spiritual guides. These Sufi Saints have repeatedly expressed their love of spiritual guides through their writings and poetry. “What is Divine Love?” “The beginning and the end of love is the essence of perfect spiritual guide. We have often heard that the journey to Divine love is through metaphorical love. So, it should be kept in mind that metaphorical love means love of the perfect spiritual guide. It is this love that burns man’s existence in the furnace of love, makes him pure gold, enables him to absorb the subtle Divine secrets of the Divine Essence, and gives him eternal life. The company of perfect and accomplished spiritual guide is needed to attain these blessings.
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35 Thoughts to 'Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and his Love for Perfect Spiritual Guide'
Waheed Hassan
02/04/2022 at 5:42 pmVery nice article. A perfect spiritual guide who is annihilated in Divine Essence is indeed a stepping stone to attaining Divine Love and closeness.
02/04/2022 at 7:54 pmMian Mohammad Bakhsh highlights the importance of Divine company of perfect spiritual guide.
صحبت مجلس پیر میرے دی بہتر نفل نمازوں
ہک ہک سخن شریف انہاں دا کردا محرم رازوں
Explanation: The assembly or company of my spiritual guide is better than supererogatory prayers because each and every word of his conversation and his every glance bestows Divine secrets upon the seeker.
03/04/2022 at 1:46 amNo doubt the Title ‘Sultan ul Ashiqeen ‘ perfectly suits him 🌺
02/04/2022 at 7:57 pmAllama Iqbal also says about his spiritual guide (Rumi):
صحبتِ پیرِ رومؒ سے مجھ پہ ہوا یہ راز فاش
لاکھ حکیم سر بجیب، ایک کلیم سر بکف
Explanation: When I came in the servitude of my spiritual guide Rumi, I came to know that even a million wise men who are drowned in the philosophical thoughts and try to unfold the Divine secret through intellect are nothing as compared to a single man who directly converses with Allah inwardly and takes Allah’s secrets from Allah Himself for he is ever engrossed in jihad against his innerself. (Bal-e-Jibril)
Moeen Afzal SQ
03/04/2022 at 8:11 amVery nice Article
02/04/2022 at 8:00 pmNice Article
02/04/2022 at 8:48 pmSultan-ul-Ashiqeen is a role model for very seeker of Allah
Salma Tabassum
02/04/2022 at 8:58 pmنجیبؔ ہوا انہی اداؤں سے گھائل، دلبر جانی
سلطان محمد اصغر علیؒ مظہر ذاتِ ربانی
03/04/2022 at 3:59 pmVery motivating and inspiring article!
Ashiq e Mustafa
02/04/2022 at 10:10 pmصحبت پیر پیر میرے دی بہتر نفل نمازوں
ہک ہک سخن شریف انہاں دا کر دا محرم رازوں
The assembly or company of my spiritual guide is better than supererogatory prayers because each and every word of his conversation and his every glance bestows Divine secrets upon the seeker.
02/04/2022 at 10:35 pmSultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman sacrificed his everything in service of his beloved spiritual guide. He spent his lifelong savings for his spiritual guide.
Muqadas Younas
02/04/2022 at 10:41 pmMashAllah beautiful article 💖💖
Ghulam Qadri
02/04/2022 at 10:44 pmVery Informative ❤️
02/04/2022 at 10:56 pm👌🏻
02/04/2022 at 11:06 pmDivine love for perfect spiritual guide is an eternal blessing and is bestowed on those special seekers who turn away from the desires of the world and turn to Allah. It is an eternal destiny of those who annihilate their own being in the essence of their beloved spiritual guide by removing the veil of other than Allah from their existence
حمزہ سروری قادری
02/04/2022 at 11:19 pm🌺🌺🌺
Muhammad Fahad Shahzad Khan
02/04/2022 at 11:27 pmLive Long Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman
02/04/2022 at 11:42 pmVery beautiful article…😍❤️
03/04/2022 at 12:08 amSultan ul Ashiqeen zindabaad
03/04/2022 at 12:54 amالف اللہ چنبے دی بوٹی ، میرے من وچ مرشد لاندا ھوُ
جس گت اتے سوہنا راضی ہوندا ، اوہو گت سکھاندا ھوُ
ہر دم یاد رکھے، ہر ویلے آپ اٹھاندا بہاندا ھوُ
آپ سمجھ سمجھیندا باھوؒ، آپے آپ بن جاندا ھوُ
03/04/2022 at 1:00 amماشااللّہ
Muhammad Amjad
02/04/2022 at 8:02 pm🌹🌹🌹
02/04/2022 at 8:19 pmmashaAllah
03/04/2022 at 2:23 amVery well explained!
Zainab Furqan
03/04/2022 at 4:25 amVery nice article
Waseem Akram
03/04/2022 at 9:18 amLoving the concept of this article.
Abdul Razzaq Sarwari Qadri
03/04/2022 at 11:19 amGreat
Ahsan Ali
03/04/2022 at 4:56 pmSultan ul Ashiqeen set an example of Divine Love for seekers of Allah
Maira Sarfraz
03/04/2022 at 7:56 pmBeautifully written 👌♥️♥️🌹♥️🌹
Nasir Hameed
04/04/2022 at 9:25 amMashAllah beautiful article 💖💖
Fazal Dad
04/04/2022 at 11:27 amMashaAllah this was really informative to understand the love of Perfect Spiritual guide and the reality of essence and the meaning and goal of life.
Rashid Gulzar
04/04/2022 at 1:31 pmVery nice…
Faizan Yaseen
04/04/2022 at 11:10 pmSuch a intresting article
04/04/2022 at 6:20 pmNice and informative
22/04/2022 at 2:25 amHello,
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