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The Explanation of Surah al Kawthar
The Explanation of Surah al Kawthar
Unlocking the Spiritual Wisdom of Surah Kawthar: The Essence of Prayer and Sacrifice
Surah Kawthar, one of the shortest yet most profound chapters of the Quran, holds deep spiritual significance and timeless lessons for Muslims. In this article, we delve into the rich meanings hidden within its verses and how they guide believers toward a deeper connection with Allah.
The article begins by explaining the multiple layers of meaning within Surah Kawthar, emphasizing how each verse carries a unique message for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. We explore the teachings of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, who underscores that the true essence of prayer (Salah) and sacrifice (Qurbani) is not merely in the physical rituals but in their profound spiritual impact. According to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, Khushu (humility) and presence of heart in prayer are key to experiencing Divine closeness, a state where one is fully engaged in worship and obedience.
A major focus of the article is understanding the essence of Salah, often misunderstood by many as simply a set of actions. We reveal how the true spirit of prayer, as described in the Quran and Hadith, teaches Muslims to maintain continuous engagement with Allah, far beyond the ritualistic aspects. Imam Qushayri’s explanation of Khushu (presence of heart) and its importance in prayer adds a rich layer to this understanding. Without Khushu, prayer remains incomplete, unable to lead the believer to the deeper spiritual state that Allah desires.
The article also highlights the profound connection between prayer and sacrifice, as presented in Surah Kawthar. While the verse mentions sacrifice, it’s crucial to understand that this extends beyond the mere act of animal sacrifice during Eid. True sacrifice, the article explains, involves surrendering one’s ego (nafs) and anything that distracts from the remembrance of Allah. This deeper form of sacrifice is essential for anyone seeking to embody the true submission to Allah.
Further, the article delves into the Quranic concept of “Abtar”, referring to the enemies of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as those who will be “cut off.” This term, explained through the famous commentary of Ibn Kathir, highlights how the enemies of the Prophet will fade into obscurity, while the name and legacy of the Prophet (PBUH) will continue to rise. The eternal relevance of the Prophet’s name and message, as the article explains, is a living proof of the truth of Allah’s promise.
By the end of the article, the reader is left with a powerful call to reflect on the deeper meanings of these Divine teachings and to incorporate them into daily life. The article closes with a prayer for understanding the Quran in its true essence and living by its teachings, urging readers to transform their lives spiritually and ethically.
This article serves as an enlightening guide for anyone seeking to connect more deeply with Surah Kawthar and Islamic teachings, providing both spiritual insights and practical wisdom that can change one’s approach to worship and life.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
اللہ کے نام سے شروع جو نہایت مہربان ہمیشہ رحم فرمانے والا ہے
In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful
اِنَّاۤ اَعْطَیْنٰكَ الْكَوْثَرَؕ
(al-Kawthar, 108 : 1)
Indeed, We have bestowed on you an infinite abundance (every kind of superiority, bliss and bounty).*
بیشک ہم نے آپ کو (ہر خیر و فضیلت میں) بے انتہا کثرت بخشی ہے٭
فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَ انْحَرْؕ
(al-Kawthar, 108 : 2)
So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice (a token of gratitude).
پس آپ اپنے رب کے لئے نماز پڑھا کریں اور قربانی دیا کریں (یہ ہدیۂ تشکرّ ہے)
اِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْاَبْتَرُ۠
(al-Kawthar, 108 : 3)
Indeed, your enemy will remain childless and his race will be cut off.
بیشک آپ کا دشمن ہی بے نسل اور بے نام و نشاں ہوگا
The shortest surah of the Quran is the sacred Surah Al-Kawthar. According to the current arrangement of the Quran, it is the 108th surah and is found in the last section (Juz) of the Quran. It consists of 3 verses, 10 words, and 43 letters. Despite its brevity in terms of words and letters, Surah Al-Kawthar holds immense significance and depth in its meanings, themes, and subject matter.
Context of Revelation (Shaan-e-Nuzool):
The term Shaan-e-Nuzool refers to the specific incident or background that serves as the reason or cause for the revelation of a particular chapter or verse of the Quran.
When the beloved Prophet Mohammad’s young son passed away in childhood, the disbelievers of Makkah criticized him, saying: (May Allah forbid) “Your lineage has been cut off, and you have no male offspring. Therefore, while your name and mission will continue as long as you are alive, this legacy will end after your passing.”
Tafseer Ibn Kathir on the Verse:
It is mentioned in Tafseer Ibn Kathir regarding this verse:
When the beloved son of the Prophet Mohammad passed away, the leaders of Makkah, such as As bin Wa’il, Uqba bin Abi Mu’it, and others, began to say:
(May Allah forbid) “Tonight, Mohammad’s lineage has been cut off.”
In response, Allah revealed this verse. This has also been narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him).
Reflecting on the Shaan-e-Nuzool, many sufis have elaborated on the meaning of “Al-Kawthar.” They interpret it as follows:
Here, Al-Kawthar refers to Hazrat Fatima al Zahra (may Allah be pleased with her).
The word Kawthar denotes abundance, and it signifies the countless blessings that flowed from the pure lineage of Hazrat Fatima. Through her, the Prophet’s progeny, remembrance, and honor continue to flourish abundantly. This legacy will persist until the Day of Judgment.
In contrast, the enemies of the Prophet were left with no name or legacy, while countless people have offered their lives to uphold the name of Mohammad and his family (Aal-e-Mohammad).
The Hidden Depths of the Quran: Understanding Spiritual and Intellectual Insights
The Quran contains countless meanings and mysteries within every verse. The understanding of these meanings depends on one’s spiritual level and inner capacity. There are four key stages in Sufism: Shariyat (Islamic law), Tariqat (the spiritual path), Haqiqah (the truth), and Marifah (spiritual knowledge).
Islamic scholars interpret the verses of the Quran and Hadith based on the foundational knowledge of Shariyat (Islamic jurisprudence). However, Sufi saints receive Divine, esoteric knowledge directly from Allah, which enables them to extract knowledge from a higher spiritual source.
As Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman states:
“The meanings of the Quran descend on the inward of a Mystic, while the scholar infers is based on his intellect. The mind perceives things in various ways and dimensions while the inward(soul) is one which is from Allah. This is why all the Saints derive same meaning of the Quran, while scholars interpret it differently based on their respective intellectual understanding.”

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan’s Translation of Surah Kawthar and Its Commentary
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi has translated the first verse of Surah Kawthar as: “We have granted you countless blessings.”
In the commentary of this verse, Syed Mohammad Naeem-ud-Din Muradabadi states:
“Allah has bestowed upon him an abundance of virtues, making him superior to all of creation. He is granted both external and internal beauty, a noble lineage, prophethood, the Quran, wisdom, knowledge, Divine attributes, the Kawthar (the river of Paradise), the station of Mahmud (a praiseworthy status), a large ummah (community), dominion over the religion, numerous conquests, and endless bounties and virtues. These blessings are beyond measure, and his legacy will continue until the Day of Judgment. His followers will spread across the world, and his name will be exalted on the pulpits of every mosque.”
Hadith Regarding Surah Kawthar
A narration related to Surah Kawthar is found in a Hadith shared by Ali bin Hijr Saadi and Abu Bakr bin Abi Sheba (these are their words) who reported from Ali bin Mashar, who reported from Mukhtar bin Filfil, who narrated from Hazrat Anas bin Malik (RA), who said:
“One day, the Messenger of Allah was among us when, for a brief moment, he entered a state of sleep. After a short while, he raised his head with a smile. We asked him, ‘O Messenger of Allah! What made you smile?’ He replied, ‘A Surah has just been revealed to me.’ Then, he recited Surah Al-Kawthar, saying: ‘Indeed, We have granted you Kawthar. Pray to your Lord and sacrifice (for Him). Surely, your enemy is the one who is cut off.'”
The Prophet (PBUH) then asked, “Do you know what Kawthar is?” We replied, “Allah and His Messenger know better.” He said:
“Kawthar is a river that my Lord has promised me. It is full of great blessings, and it is a basin (Hawz) on the Day of Judgment where my ummah will come to drink water. Its vessels are as numerous as the stars in the sky. If one person is pulled away from it, I will plead, ‘O my Lord! This person is from my ummah.’ Allah will reply, ‘You do not know that after you, they innovated new things.'” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 894)
The Reality of Prayer and Sacrifice in Surah Kawthar

In the second verse of Surah Kawthar, Allah commands the Ummah to pray and offer sacrifices through the intercession of His beloved Messenger. When a believer truly understands the essence of prayer and sacrifice, only then can they attain the immense blessing of Kawthar. The most prominent and foundational act of worship for a Muslim in seeking closeness to Allah is prayer (Salah), which has been described as the pillar and cornerstone of the religion. The Quran places great emphasis on establishing prayer.
In the revered text Haqeeqat-e-Namaz, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen states:
“In the Quran, wherever the command to perform prayer is mentioned, it is not just a command to ‘pray,’ but rather a command to establish prayer. Due to a lack of understanding of the spirit of the religion, ordinary Muslims have confined prayer to a set routine: standing with folded hands at prescribed times, bowing in specific positions, prostrating with the forehead on the ground, and reciting designated supplications and praises. Many consider this to be the complete essence of prayer, and they exert great effort in performing these physical rituals. However, the true essence of prayer is that it is an act of worship that teaches a servant to remain continuously engaged in the obedience of Allah. Prayer is not just a formal ritual; it is a means to stay constantly in the Divine presence, immersed in Allah’s obedience.” (The Spiritual Reality of Prayer)
The Essence of Prayer and Sacrifice in Surah Kawthar
If prayer is established with its true essence, it teaches the servant to remain constantly engaged in the obedience of Allah. But what is the true essence of prayer? The essence of prayer is Khushu, which means presence of the heart. As mentioned in a Hadith:
“Without the presence of the heart (Khushu), there is no prayer.”
Imam Qushayri (RA) states in his Risala al-Qushayriya:
“Khushu is the melting of the heart and its turning towards Allah in humility and reverence during the spiritual experience of the Divine presence.”
In the second verse of Surah Kawthar, after the command for prayer, Allah mentions sacrifice. If we interpret the term “sacrifice” in a broader sense, it doesn’t merely refer to the physical sacrifice of animals, but rather to the sacrifice of the ego (nafs)—or any attachment that keeps a person distracted from the remembrance of Allah. True worship can only be achieved when a person is ready to sacrifice everything in the way of truth.
Allah’s command in Surah Aal-e-Imran (3:92) is clear:
“You will not attain true closeness to Allah until you give away what you love most for His sake.”
The Teachings and Guidance of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
In the book Teachings and Quotes of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, there is a statement regarding the loyalty and sacrifice of the Prophet’s companions:
“The Prophet trained his companions in such a way that their hearts were filled only with the love of Allah and the love for the Messenger of Allah, to the exclusion of all other forms of attachment and affection.”
In Surah Kawthar, Allah says that the enemies of the Prophet are “Abtar” (cut off). This truth is evident to all, and there is no doubt that the name and status of the Prophet continue to grow with every passing moment and through the ages.
The Final Verse of Surah Kawthar and Its Explanation
In the third and final verse of Surah Kawthar, Allah mentions that the enemies of the Prophet will be “Abtar“, meaning they will be cut off and without descendants. In contrast, the name of the Prophet will remain exalted until the Day of Judgment.
The commentary of Ibn Kathir explains:
“The term Abtar means ‘cut off‘ or ‘isolated.’ In the Arabic language, it refers to someone who has no male offspring, and when a man’s sons die, he is called ‘Abtar.’ In Surah Kawthar, Allah uses this term for the enemies of the Prophet, indicating that their name and legacy will be erased, and they will be without any lasting progeny.”
What Allah conveyed in Surah Kawthar, that the enemies of the Prophet are Abtar, is a truth that is evident to all today. It is beyond doubt that the name and status of the Prophet continue to rise with every passing moment, and his legacy only grows stronger with time.
We pray to Allah that He grants us the ability to understand the Quran in its true essence, to act upon its teachings, and to live our lives in accordance with its guidance. Ameen.
This is an English translation of Urdu blog شرح سورہ کوثر that appeared in the January 2025 issue of monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr Magazine. Fatima Burhan Sarwari Qadri authored the original article. Zuhaa Fatima has translated it in English.
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10 Thoughts to 'The Explanation of Surah al Kawthar'
Waheed Hassan
30/01/2025 at 1:41 pmMaya Allah Almighty grant us the ability to understand the true meaning of Quran.
Zahid Anjum Siddiqui
30/01/2025 at 2:31 pmVery Beautiful ❤️ and Informative Article
Asmah khan
30/01/2025 at 7:44 pmA very good blog on Surah kawthar👍🏻
Salma Tabassum
30/01/2025 at 10:31 pmWe pray to Allah that He grants us the ability to understand the Quran in its true essence, to act upon its teachings, and to live our lives in accordance with its guidance. Ameen.
Maira Sarfraz
31/01/2025 at 9:22 amWithout the presence of the heart (Khushu), there is no prayer.”
01/02/2025 at 9:37 amZuhaa Fatima has done very amazing job
01/02/2025 at 3:26 amMay Allah Almighty grant us the ability to understand the true meaning of Quran.
Muqadas Younas
01/02/2025 at 8:27 amGreat article
Amna moghees
01/02/2025 at 5:48 pmFinally got the real meaning of this surah ❤️
Faiza Saeed
03/02/2025 at 12:42 amNice