Ishq e Haqeeqi

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Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) The Origin of Creation


The true believers are the Divine lovers. Their love for Allah surpasses all other feelings. According to the Quran

وَالَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡۤا اَشَدُّ حُبًّا لِلّٰہِ

Meaning: And those who believe, love Allah intensely. (Al-Baqarah-165)

Everyone loves their family and belongings as well as the Prophet and Allah. However, the love which overpowers and dominates all other love is called Divine love or Ishq e Haqeeqi. Hence, this is the extreme form of love.


Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is a necessity for perfect faith

Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is a necessity for perfect faith. This is per the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad:

Meaning: Your faith is imperfect until I am not endear to you than your lives, wives, children, house, business, and everything. (Bukhari, Muslim)


It is important to know that Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the nature of soul. The soul has it within itself since eternity but it depends if one nourishes it or not. It was Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) that triggered the process of creation. Moreover, Allah’s existence was secret and concealed. An intense passion aroused within Him to be recognized. In Sufism and Faqr, this is called Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi). Hence, when Allah manifested the light of Mohammad and extracted all the souls from it, Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) transferred among everyone.


The point which requires utmost attention is that Allah created everything from the Mohammadan light. Prophet Mohammad says:

اَناَ مِنْ نُّورِ اللّٰہِ وَ الْخَلَقُ کُلَّہُمْ مِنْْ نُّورِیْ

Meaning: I am from the light of Allah and the entire creation is from mine.”

Sultan Bahoo says:

Know! The light of the One (Noor-e-Ahadi), coming out of His isolated Oneness, intended to manifest Himself in multiplicity. He graced (all the worlds) with the splendid sight of His pure Divine beauty. Both the realms started burning like a moth on the candle of His Blazing Beauty. Then, the light of realm of transcendent Unity (Ahad احد) concealed in M ( م ) of Ahmad ( احمد ). He manifested Himself as Ahmad ( احمد ). (Risala Roohi Sharif)

Hence, this is the Mohammadan Reality.

Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeeqi) For Prophet Mohammad:

Iqbal says:

اے کہ تیرےؐ وجود پر خالقِ دو جہاں کو ناز

اے کہ تیرؐ ا وجود ہے وجۂ وجودِ کائنات

Meaning: O beloved Mohammad! The Creator of both the worlds is proud of your existence. Undoubtedly, you are the reason behind the creation of this universe.

Many other Hadiths advocate the same truth. Allah said to Prophet Mohammad:

لَوْ لَاکَ لِماَ خَلَقْتَ الْاَ فْلَاکْ

Meaning: I would never have created the universe if I have not created you.

Mohammad is the first and last manifestation of Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi)

Prophet Mohammad was bestowed with Prophethood even before Prophet Adam was created. Prophet Mohammad reveals:

کُنْتُ نَبِیَّاً وَ آدَمُ بَیْنَ الْماَ ئِ وَالطِّیْن

Meaning: I was the Prophet even at the time when Prophet Adam was in the process of creation i.e. between mud and water.

He added:

اَناَ مِنْ نُّورِ اللّٰہِ وَ الْخَلَقُ کُلَّہُمْ مِنْْ نُّورِیْ

 Meaning: I am from the light of Allah and the entire creation is from me.

Hence, he was created first and he is the last Prophet. Thus, he is First and Last regarding which Mohiyuddin ibn Arabi says:

A trader wraps a carpet over his treasure and covers it with several cloths. When he will open the carpet, the cloth, which he would have put first, will come out last.

In his book, Shajra tul Koon, Ibn Arabi says:

“Same is the descent of the Holy Prophet that his sacred soul came into being first of all but he descended the last. Hence, he is called the first and the last.”

نگاہِ عِشق و مستی میں وہی اوّل  ،  وہی آخر

وہی قُرآں، وہی فُرقاں، وہی یٰسٓ ،  وہی طہٰ

Meaning: In the sight of Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) and passion, he is the first and the last. He is the Quran and Furqan and he himself is Yasin and Ta’ha.

Therefore, this is the same status where He is the totality.

اَلْکُلَّ فِیہِ وَ مِنْہُ وَ کَانَ عِنْدہٗ۔

Meaning: Everything is within him and from him. Everything was from him and will be from him. (Al-Insan al-Kamil)

Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) and the Mohammadan reality:

The Mohammadan light produced human souls but it was quite later that they manifested in the human form. Allah says:

اْ صْطَفٰی وَ ا حِدًا مِّنْ خَلْقِہِ ھُوَ مِنْھُمْ وَ لَیْسَ مِنْھُمْ

Meaning: Allah chose one from His creatures. He appears to be one of them but in reality, he is not.

قُلۡ انَّمَاۤ  انَا بَشَرٌ  مِّثۡلُکُمۡ. سورۃ الکہف۔

Meaning: Say: ‘I look like you only as a man. (Al-Kahf 110)

وَتَرٰا ھُمۡ یَنْظُرُونَ اِ لَیْکَ وَھُمْ لَا یُبْصِرُوْنَ

Meaning: And you watch, they look at you but see nothing. (Al-A’raf 198)

According to Rumi:

مصطفی آئینہ رُوئے خدا ست

منعکس دَر وے ہمہ خوئے خدا ست

Meaning: Mustafa (Prophet Mohammad) is the mirror to the face of Allah. Therefore, he reflects the essence and all the attributes of Allah.

Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the origin of everything:

Therefore, Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the origin of creation. It is the purpose of creation. All souls carry its seed and it is the relation of the soul with Allah. Hence, when the perfect spiritual guide nourishes the soul of his disciple, this seed sprouts. Consequently, the Vision of Allah becomes a possibility for that disciple.


It is a known phenomenon in the Sufi world, that ishq e haqeeqi is achievable only through ishq e majazi. Ishq e haqeeqi and ishq e majazi meaning divine love and metaphorical love respectively. The difference between ishq haqeeqi and ishq majazi can be explained by the popular example of Rumi whose absolute love, search and yearning for his spiritual guide Shams led him to the peak of divinity. Hence, through his metaphorical love, he reached his destination of divine love. People often ask what is ishq e majazi because usually it is falsely related to the ordinary attraction of opposite genders. However, it is not related to such lowly materialistic outward attraction. On the contrary, it is more related to spiritual beauty and attraction that very few experience towards the spiritual guide. This ultimately takes them to divine love after passing various spiritual states and stations. Therefore, to answer what is ishq e Haqeeqi, it would not be wrong to say, it is the purest form of love only felt for Allah which is gifted through the love, submission and loyalty towards the perfect spiritual guide.

Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) leads to eternal beloved:

It is Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) which allows a seeker to become acceptable in court of Allah. Moreover, the benevolence of the perfect spiritual guide and consistent invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat leads to an increase in Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi). Hence, the soul becomes more anxious and then gains peace repeatedly. Therefore, the soul yearns to see and meet Allah and through love, Divine vision is achieved.

Ishq e Haqeeqi desires Vision of Allah

Ishq e Haqeeqi demands nothing except the Beloved. The true Lovers demand Ishq e Haqeeqi over the world, paradise and everything else.

It is unfortunate for the lovers of Allah, if they have to live in paradise without the Vision of His Beauty. However, if they find hell along with His union, it is their great fortune and luck. (Asrar-e-Qadri)

Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the highest form of love and spirituality. It is the only quality that differentiates a true believer from merely a common Muslim.


Miraj and Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

As soon as Prophet Mohammad returned from Miraj, the Divine lovers inquired him about the vision of Allah. Sultan Bahoo explains:

Ishq e Haqeeqi cannot be learnt from books or communities. It refers to the Lord of lords (Rab al Arbab). The Divine Lovers asked:

Did you see Allah?

He replied:

مَنْ رَانِی فَقَدْرَایَ الْحَق

Meaning: Whoever saw me, in fact, he saw Allah.

Then the scholars asked, “Did you see Allah?”

And a verse revealed in his favour.

وَ مَا یَنۡطِقُ عَنِ الۡہَوٰی

Meaning: The Prophet does not speak out of his (own) desire. (An Najm 3)

He replied (by the will of Allah)

تَفَکَّرُوْافِیْ آیَتِہِ وَلَاَ تَفَکَّرُوْافِی ذَاتِہٖ

Meaning: Meditate upon His signs but not about His Entity. (Mohabbat ul Asrar)

Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani about Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

Regarding Ishq e Haqeeqi, Ghous e Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani states in his book Ar Risala tul Ghausia:

I saw Allah. Then I asked, “O Lord! What is meant by love?” He replied: O Ghawth al Azam! Love Me, love for Me and I am Love Myself. Moreover, get your inward and actions free from everything other than Me. When you have recognized the outward love, it is essential for you to surpass the stages of (esoteric) love. As, it is also a veil between the lover and the Beloved. 

Hence, it is necessary for you to go beyond everything else other than Allah. In fact, everything other than Allah is a veil between the lover and the Beloved.

Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the best worship:

Rabia of Basra said:

سجدہ  مستانہ  ام  با شد  نما ز

درد دل با او بود قرآن من

Explanation: To prostrate before the Beloved madly, is the real worship (Salat) of the lovers. Moreover, the agony of their passionate inwards is their recitation of the Holy Quran.

According to Rumi:

عشق آں شعلہ است کہ جوں بر فروخت

ہر کہ جز معشوق باشد جملہ سوخت

Explanation: Love is the flame, when flares up, burns everything except the Beloved.


Those deprived of Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

Those who are deprived of Ishq e Haqeeqi cannot reach Allah as their inwards have blackened with evil.

Khawaja Hafiz Shirazi states:

The person who is not in love with Allah, surely all his prayers are in vain, deceitful and full of hypocrisy. (Deewan-e-Hafiz)

Bulleh Shah said in one of his poems(نی میں ہن سنیا):

The religious scholars and theologians who are focused upon gaining worldly fame and respect do not reflect upon Ishq e Haqeeqi. They are not spiritually elevated whereas the Divine lovers cross thousands of stages through their one sigh of separation from the beloved.

Mian Mohammad Bakhsh said:

جنہاں عشق خرید نہ کیتا عیویں آ بھُگتے

عشقے باہجھ محمد بخشا کیا آدم کیا کُتّے

Explanation: Those who do not possess Ishq e Haqeeqi, their life is useless and worthless. Without the love, there is no difference between a man and dog.

Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the key to unlock Faqr:

Ishq e Haqeeqi is the key to unlock Faqr. Iqbal says:

مسلم ار عاشق نباشد کافر است

Meaning: If a Muslim is not an ardent lover of Allah, he is not a Muslim. Rather he is an infidel as he does not possess love for Allah.

جس دِل اندر عشق نہ رچیا کُتے اس تھیں چنگے

خاوند دے گھر راکھی کردے صابر بُھکے ننگے

Meaning: Even a single glance of Ishq e Haqeeqi can break the rocks. Ishq e Haqeeqi itself becomes a complete manifestation of Divine reality at its final station.

Iqbal stated:

عقل و دل و نگاہ کا مرشدِ اوّلین ہے عشق

عشق نہ ہو تو شرع و دین بت کدۂ تصورات

Explanation: If a person is in love with Allah, he becomes a Muslim even being a pagan. If Ishq e Haqeeqi is not there even a Muslim becomes a hypocrite and heretic. Because he prefers worldliness to love and it is infidelity.

Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the basis of belief:

Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is the basis of belief. Faith means nothing if it is not enriched with love for Allah.

عاشقی؟ توحید را بر دل زدن

وانگہے خود را بہر مشکل زدن

Meaning: What is Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi)? It is to foster the Oneness of Allah in the inward and then encounter every difficulty coming in the way of truth.  Hence, the Oneness becomes truly mature in one’s inward and mind.

Sultan Bahoo teachings about Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

Sultan Bahoo considers Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) to be the most powerful ingredient of Faqr.

عاشق بیچارہ را جان باجاناں است

کہ ہر دم شوق خوش ترانہ آمد

Meaning: The poor lover is always engrossed in the Beloved and ecstatically sings beautiful songs in His love. (Ain-ul-Faqr)

عشق دانی چیست؟ کشتن نفس خویش

روز و شب سوزش بود دِل را ریش

Meaning: Do you know what Ishq e Haqeeqi is? Ishq e Haqeeqi means to kill yourself. It is due to Ishq e Haqeeqi that the inward of lover is ever suffering from the pangs of agony. (Mehak ul Faqr Kalan)

The Divine lovers are neither scared nor frightened of anybody’s reproach. (Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)


The ignition of Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) and its severity makes the lover suffer from pangs of separation from Allah. Although, it is not that he separates from Allah. On the other hand, it is the awareness that the soul is caged in the body instead of being united with Allah as it was in the pre existence. Moreover, the fire which rages within the lover, burns the veils of inciting innerself (nafs). Further, his intensity of love for Allah makes him anxious for Divine union. Furthermore, even the own existence of the lover perishes in that anguish of fire and he begins to annihilate in the light of Allah (fana fi Allah). In addition, his inward death unites him with the Beloved.

Ishq e Haqeeqi is a subtle passion, which arouses in the inward. In addition, it does not find peace from anyone but the Divine Beloved. (Mohkim-ul-Fuqara)

Divine Lovers are spiritually alive:

Some Fakirs are spiritual travellers while others are Divine lovers. The former are involved in mystic exercises whereas the latter are men of Ishq e Haqeeqi who possess Divine secrets. Additionally, the peak of spiritual travellers is merely the beginning of Divine lovers.

Prophet Mohammad says:

Meaning: Although, their bodies are in the world but inwards are in the hereafter. (Mohkim ul Fuqara)

Ishq e Haqeeqi is a skilful jeweller who checks and identifies pure gold as pure and the impure as impure. (Ain-ul-Faqr)

Pay heed O ascetic, the labourer of paradise! The nutrition of lovers of Allah is all Divine light. Moreover, their stomach is like burning stove and their sleep is actually the Divine union and presence. (Mohkim ul Fuqara)

The recitation of Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is Hoo:

Those whose life revolve around Ishq e Haqeeqi, invoke Hoo:

بَاھُوعاشقاں رارازایں است ذکرِ’ھُو‘ گوید

مدام دم بدم ’’ ھُو ‘‘ ذکرگوید کارآن گرددتمام

Explanation: O Bahoo! The secret of lovers is that they ever remain engrossed in the invocation of Hoo ( ھُو  ). Therefore, they reach their destination by invoking Hoo ( ھُو  ) with their every breath. (Ain ul Faqr)

Sultan Bahoo states in his book, Nur ul Huda Kalan:

The most elevated rank of Mystic is lover. At his pea, he becomes the beloved of Allah. Ishq e Haqeeqi for Allah also means love for Prophet Mohammad.

O Beloved! Remain in the company of those, who always yearn for the vision of Allah. Leaving them, your eyes must not move about in search of the beauties of the world. Moreover, do not obey him whose inward I have turned oblivious of My invocation. (In fact) he is the slave of the desires of his inciting innerself and he is always violating the limits.” (Al Kahf 28)

The reward of Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) is Allah Himself:

According to a Qudsi Hadith, Allah says:

مَنْ طَلَبَنِیْ فَقَدَْ وَ جَدَنِیْ ط  وَمَنْ وَ جَدَنِیْ عَرَ فَنِیْ ط وَ مَنْ عَرَفَنِیْ اَحَبَّنِیْ ط   وَمَنْ اَحَبَّنِیْ عَشَقَنِیْ ط  وَ مَنْ عَشَقَنِیْ قَتَلْتُلہ‘ ط  وَ مَنْ قَتَلْتُلہ‘ فَعَلَیَّ دِ یَّتَہ‘  ط   وَ اَ نَادِ یَّتَہ

Meaning: Indeed, he who seeks Me, finds Me. The one finds Me, recognizes Me. Whoever recognizes Me, begins to love Me. The one who loves Me, becomes My lover. Whoever loves Me passionately, I kill him. Whomever I kill, the compensation is due on Me and I am Myself his compensation.

Sultan Bahoo says:

زیں مراتب ِ عا شقاں  مذکور شُد

ابتدأ ہم نو ُر آخر نو ُر شُد

Explanation: The status of the lovers is that their beginning as well as their extreme stage is the Divine light. (Nur ul Huda)

Stages of Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi) has a few stages. Allah says:

نُوۡرٌ عَلٰی نُوۡرٍ ؕ یَہۡدِی اللّٰہُ  لِنُوۡرِہٖ مَنۡ یَّشَآءُ

Meaning: Divine light is the absolute light (light upon light). Allah blesses whom He wishes with His light. (An Nur 35)

You must know that there are 2 stages of the lover. Initially, he is the lover but at his peak he becomes the beloved. Moreover, the Divine lovers exercise the vision of Allah. Further, for them invocation, meditation and recitals are forbidden. In fact, they have no concern with virtues or evils or seeking personal desires. (Nur ul Huda Kalan)


In Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi), there is a concept of ‘die before death’. It was greatly emphasized by Sultan Bahoo. As the fire of Ishq e Haqeeqi engulfs the being of the seekers burning off the veils of his inciting innerself, his own existence also perishes. He annihilates in Ishq e Haqeeqi and inwardly dies before his actual death.

Sultan Bahoo says:

باھو عشق را بام بلند است اسم اللہ  نرد بان

ہر مکانے بے نشانے می برد در لامکان

Explanation: O Bahoo! The roof of Ishq e Haqeeqi is very high. Therefore, the ladder to reach it is the invocation of Ism e Allah Zaat. Moreover, it will take you to every waystation, even to the station of no station. (Ain ul Faqr)

Process of Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

According to the Mystics, Ishq e Haqeeqi is aroused within the being of a disciple through metaphorical love (Ishq e Majazi or Ishq e Murshid) which is the love for the perfect spiritual guide. Moreover, this love is not based on lust, worldly desire or non-Islamic relation. In fact, it is the purest form of love in this world. It can be related to the bond of ustad and talib; guru and shishya; and Murshid and mureed. Furthermore, the loyalty, sacrifice and obedience to the Murshid signify one’s level if proximity to Allah.

Unfortunately, some spiritual orders practice polytheism by asking disciples to contemplate upon a picture of the spiritual guide. However, the correct method is to contemplate upon Ism e Allah Zaat. Fortunately, Sultan ul Ashiqeen grants it on the day of allegiance.

Words of Shams of Tabriz and Jami:

Shams of Tabriz teaches about Divine love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

عشق معراج است سوئے بام سلطان ازل

از رخ عاشق فرد خواں قصہ معراج را

Explanation: Only Ishq e Haqeeqi can take one to the court of Allah. If you want to know the truth behind Miraj then, fix your vision on the face of the perfect Murshid.

Jami says:

غنیمت داں اگر عشق مجا ز یست

کہ از بہر حقیقت کار ساز یست

Explanation: If you are destined for the love of the spiritual guide, consider it your good fortune. Only this is the source of Ishq e Haqeeqi.

Love for Murshid is basis of Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

Love for Murshid is the basis of Ishq e Haqeeqi.

According to Bulleh Shah the metaphorical love of spiritual guide is the basis of Ishq e Haqeeqi.

جے چر نہ عشق مجازی لاگے

سوئی سیوے نہ بن دھاگے

عشق  مجازی  داتا  ہے

جس پچھے مست ہو جاتا ہے

Meaning: A person can never ascend to Ishq e Haqeeqi without the love of spiritual guide. Just as a needle cannot sew without a thread, likewise, one cannot gain Ishq e Haqeeqi without love of the spiritual guide.

Mian Mohammad Bakhsh explains:

میں نیواں میرا مرشد اچا اسی اچیاں دے سنگ لائی

صدقے جاواں انہاں اچیاں توں جِنہاں نیویاں دے نال نبھائی

Meaning: I am only a common man. However, my spiritual guide is perfect and supreme. Therefore, he blesses me according to his grandeur. Moreover, he always keeps me under his protection and took me to my destination.

Contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat ignites Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

Most of Sultan Bahoo’s quatrains revolve around love for Allah:

الف اللہ صحی کیتوسے جداں‘ چمکیا عشق اگوہاں ھُو

رات دیہاں دیوے تاہ تکھیرے‘ نِت کرے اگوہاں سوہاں ھُو

اندر بھائیں اندر بالن ،اندر دے وِچ دُھوہاں ھُو

باھوؒ شوہ تداں لدھیوسے‘ جداں عشق کیتوسے سوہاں ھُو

Explanation: When the reality of Ism e Allah Zaat revealed upon me, I found the fire of Ishq e Haqeeqi raging inside me. Moreover, due to its intense ignition, the anxiety and yearning to meet my Beloved is increasing. Consequently, this fire of love is forcing me to step further in the path of Faqr towards the next waystation. When I learnt to follow the customs and rules of Ishq e Haqeeqi properly, I had found the Beloved (Allah).

Aspiration of Divine Lovers:

Sultan Bahoo reveals:

ثابت عشق تنہاں نوں لَدھّا، جِنہاں تَرَٹیّ چَوڑ چا کیتی ھُو

نہ اوہ صوفی نہ اوہ صافی، نہ سجدہ کرن مسیتی ھُو

خالص نِیل پرانے اُتے، نہیں چڑھدا رنگ مجیٹھی ھُو

قاضی آن شرع وَل باھوؒ،  کدیں عشق نماز نہ نیتی ھُو

Explanation: Only those who sacrifice and bow their heads in front of Allah find Ishq e Haqeeqi. The aspiration of Divine lovers is neither rank nor reward but only the Beloved. They do not make a show if their piety but remain envisioning Allah. Love for Allah is so powerful that it cannot make the lovers get attracted to the world or paradise. The religious scholars only focus on the outer aspects of sharia and keep people limited to devotional acts. Only the inward devotion can increase Ishq e Haqeeqi.


Sultan Bahoo explains:

عاشقاں ہِکو وُضو جو کیتا‘ روز قیامت تائیں ھُو

وِچ نماز رکوع سجودے‘ رہندے سنج صباحیں ھُو

اَیتھے اوتھے دوہیں جہانیں‘ سبھ فقر دِیاں جائیں ھُو

عرش کولوں سَے منزل اَگے باھوؒ، پیا کم تنہائیں ھُو

Explanation: The lovers perform ablution by Ishq e Haqeeqi since the Day of Divine Covenant (Ruz e Alast). This ablution is eternal and will last till the Day of Judgment. Therefore, they remain prostrating at the Divine door. In fact, only Faqr has the true honour and glory in both the realms. Therefore, the station of the Divine lovers is far ahead of throne.

Station of no station (La Makan):

Sultan Bahoo says:

غوث قطب سب اُورے اُوریرے‘ عاشق جان اگیرے ھُو

جِس منزل تے عاشق پہنچن‘ اُتھے غوث نہ پاون پھیرے ھُو

عاشق وِچ وصال دے رہندے‘ جنہاں لامکانی ڈیرے ھُو

میں قربان تنہاںتوں باھوؒ، جنہاں ذاتوں ذات بسیرے ھُو

Explanation: Although, al Ghawth (Ghaus) and al Qutbs hold high levels but they cannot reach the rank of Divine lovers since they do not possess that kind of proximity to Allah. The Divine lovers remain in the station of no station (La-Makan). Hence, they always remain united with Allah. Sultan Bahoo says that he sacrifices himself for the lovers who have reached the station of fana by annihilating their own beings.

The height station and peak of Ishq e Haqeeqi:

The peak of Ishq e Haqeeqi is when the lover becomes the beloved i.e. he becomes acceptable and loved in the court of Allah. With regards to this, Sultan Bahoo says:

  • The absolute love is that the lover becomes beloved by loving Allah with all his sincerity. Moreover, the Beloved becomes the Lover. In fact, the status of Faqr is that of belovedness. Moreover, whatever the beloved (seeker of Allah) wishes, the Lover (Allah) blesses him. Rather whichever thought flashes into the beloved’s mind, Lover instantly fulfills the wish of His beloved. (Nur ul Huda Kalan)

چوں تمام افتد سراپا نازمی گردد نیاز

قیس را لیلیٰ ہمی نامند در صحرائے من

Explanation: When Ishq e Haqeeqi reaches its peak, the lover converts into the beloved. Hence, Qais (Majnun) becomes Layla in the desert of love. Hence, perfection of lover transforms him into the beloved.

Bulleh Shah and Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

As the words of Bulleh Shah express:

رانجھا رانجھا کردی نی میں آپے رانجھا ہوئی

آکھو نی مینوں  دھیدو رانجھا ہیر نہ آکھے کوئی

Explanation: As I repeatedly invoke the name of my beloved Ranjha, my being has annihilated into his existence. Hence, I have become Ranjha now. Hence, friends do not call me Heer instead call me Ranjha.

In this poetry, Heer refers to the disciple and Ranjha relates to the perfect spiritual guide.


Difference between Knowledge, wisdom and Ishq e Haqeeqi:

Knowledge and wisdom are associated to the brain and intellect. On the other hand, Ishq e Haqeeqi relates to the inward. However, the mind and intellect are designed by Allah in way that they have limitations. In contrast, the inward is a realm without boundaries. However, only Ishq e Haqeeqi can exist in such realms as Allah Himself is infinite. Hence, only love for Allah makes a lover meet his beloved.

According to Sultan Bahoo:

Knowledge and intellect are both obstacles in love for Allah. Moreover, the pleasure and ecstasy of Ishq e Haqeeqi is unparalleled. However, if a scholar finds even a part of it, he will be lost in it forgetting all his knowledge. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)

Rumi and Divine Love (Ishq e Haqeeqi):

Rumi says:

عِشق آمد عقل خود آوارہ شُد

شمس آمد شمعِ خود بیچارہ شُد

Meaning: When the passion of Ishq e Haqeeqi aroused in my being, my intellect became useless. This is similar to the rising of Sun which makes the candle futile.

رہ عقل جُز پیچ در پیچ نیست

رہ عاشقاں جُز خدا ہیچ نیست

Meaning: The path of intellect is extremely complex but the path of the lovers is none other than Ishq e Haqeeqi.

Conclusion of Ishq e Haqeeqi:

It is evident that Ishq e Haqeeqi is the way to Divine vision and the Mohammadan Assembly. Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is the present Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri order and founder of Tehreek Dawat e Faqr. He grants Ism e Allah Zaat on the first day of pledging allegiance. Moreover, the consistent invocation and contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat leads to the nourishment of the seed of Ishq e Haqeeqi present in the soul. Furthermore, respect, reverence and love for the perfect spiritual guide would enhance Ishq e Haqeeqi which is the origin and purpose of creation.

Sultan ul Ashiqeen Quotes on Ishq e Haqeeqi:

Regard for the Beloved is the first and foremost rule of Divine love.

The Divine love (Ishq)is not merely a verbal claim, rather it is a mental state in which the lover is ready to proffer everything he owns for the Beloved.

Faith cannot be accomplished without Divine love (Ishq).


What is Ishq e Haqiqi?

Ishq e Haqeeqi means love for Allah as He is the absolute reality.

What is Ishq Majazi?

Ishq e Majāzi (Persian: عشق مجازی‎) literally means “metaphorical love”. It refers to the love for God’s creation. Majazi means allegoric (means resembling something, not real). So, Ishq e Majazi means love for a specific human being who resembles and reminds of Allah. Hence, in Faqr, the term Ishq e Majazi is directed only towards Ishq e Murshid.

What is the full form of Ishq?

ʻIshq’ is an Arabic word used in Arabic as well as many other languages which means ‘love’. The word is derived from ‘ashiqah, a vine: the common belief is that when love takes its root in the heart of a lover, everything other than God is effaced.

What is the highest form of love?

The highest form of love is the love for Allah and love from Allah.

What is Divine love in Islam?

Ibn ‘Arabi tells us that when the seekers pass beyond natural and spiritual love, they reach the stage of Divine love, where they love God in all things through God’s own love of the things. Then they love all things in every dimension of existence.

What is spiritual love?

Spiritual love can refer to a love rooted in a spiritual connection that helps us find meaning and purpose in our lives. Ishq e Rasool i.e. love for Prophet Mohammad is spiritual love. The love of a disciple for his Murshid, is spiritual love as it does not involve any physicality or worldly desire.

What is spiritual love?

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