Love for Prophet pbuh & his support in religion

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Love for Prophet pbuh & his support in religion

Anas narrated that the Holy Prophet pbuh said, “None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.” (Bukhari 15)

Abdullah bin Hisham narrated:

We were with the Prophet pbuh and he was holding the hand of Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Umar said to him, ‘O Allah’s Messenger! You are dearer to me than everything except my own self.’ The Prophet said, “No, by Him in Whose Hand my soul is, (you will not have complete faith) till I am dearer to you than your own self.” Then Umar said to him, “However, now, by Allah, you are dearer to me than my own self.” The Prophet said, “Now, O Umar, now you are a believer.” (Bukhari 6632)

Prophet’s love is the requirement of Faith

It is clear from the blessed Hadith that unless the Companions loved the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than their wealth, children, honor, parents and their lives, their faith was incomplete. The reason for the eternal love of the Holy Prophet pbuh is that his Holy Being is the main component of faith. A Muslim cannot complete his faith until he has perfected relationship, love, connection, obedience, reverence, and respect for the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

The requirement of perfect faith is that, while loving the Holy Prophet deeply, one should leave material relations and benefits behind and achieve annihilation in Prophet Mohammad.

Meaning and Source of Love for the Prophet
  • Allah says, “This (Esteemed) Prophet is nearer to and has a greater claim on the believers than their own souls.” (33:6)
  • Allah Almighty said in another place, “Whoever obeys the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) obeys Allah indeed. (4:80)

That means, the love of Prophet Mohammad is in fact Divine love and the obedience to Mohammad pbuh, is Divine obedience.

  • Allah says, “(O Beloved!) Say: ‘If you love Allah, follow me. Allah will then take you as (His) beloved. (3:31)
Divine Love

Following the Holy Prophet is the first stage of Divine love. Indeed, following Prophet Mohammad is a source of Allah’s pleasure.

محمدؐ کی محبت دینِ حق کی شرطِ اوّل ہے

اسی میں ہو اگر خامی تو سب کچھ نامکمل ہے

Explanation: The love for the Holy Prophet is the first requirement of religion. Therefore, a believer must have deep affection and intense love for the beloved Prophet. The love of Prophet must be more intense, deeper and stronger than love for anything else. If this is lacking then everything is incomplete.

Love for the Holy Prophet is a proof of love for Allah and it is a sign of true faith and firm belief. The love of Prophet purifies the human inward from material luxury and heals the soul from material diseases.

Requirements of love for the Holy Prophet

Allah, the Most High, loves the Holy Prophet. This is primary reason for our love for him. If the Creator of the universe loves him, then why should the believer not love him? To fall in love with such an auspicious entity is a natural requirement. The Holy Quran testifies to the dignity and status given by Allah Almighty to his beloved. In the Holy Quran, when Allah spoke to his Prophets, he addressed them by name for example Adam, Noah, Abraham but he addressed his beloved Prophet pbuh with some beautiful names Nabi, Rasool, Muzammil.  

The Holy Prophet, Beloved of Allah

Allah honored His Beloved Prophet very much. The Lord of the Universe mentioned him so much that he became part of the Muslim creed, Kalimah also known as Shahadah. Azan which is the call of prayer, also mentions His Beloved Prophet. In the same way, He added His Beloved in the prayer. The call to prayer, Azan and Iqamat, remind people of the Holy Prophet in every country from east to west and from north to south. Allah sent His Beloved as a mercy to the world. Every believer is in need of the Prophet’s mercy at every turn of his life. The Holy Prophet is the leader of entire universe, the first and the last, and Chief of Prophets.

The Prophetic Appearance and His Beautiful Form

Jami says:

یا صاحب الجمال و یا سیدّ البشر

من وجھک المنیر لقد نور القمر

لا یمکن الثنا کما کان حقہ

بعد از خدا بزرگ توئی قصہ مختصر

Explanation: O beautiful and prince of mortals i.e. Mohammad! The moon gets its light from your radiant face. You cannot praise the Holy Prophet as extravagantly as he deserves. After Allah, the greatest honor is for the Holy Prophet.

Sura Al-Araf Allah says:

“So those who will believe in this (most exalted Messenger pbuh) and venerate and revere him and serve and support him (in his rReligion) and follow this light (the Quran) that has been sent down with him, it is they who will flourish and prosper.” (7:157)

For the success and well-being of the Mohammadan umma, Allah has mentioned four things in this verse:

  1. Belief in the Holy Prophet;
  2. Veneration and reverence of the Holy Prophet;
  3. Supporting him in religion;
  4. Fully committing to the procedures of Holy Quran.

1. Belief in the Holy Prophet

There are two requirements for believing in the Holy Prophet. The first requirement is to obey him, the second requirement is to love him above all. A person must follow the rules of the Sharia, brought by the Prophet, from the heart. This is a must in order to be a believer, according to the first condition. The second condition is pure love. A person cannot be a believer until he loves the Holy Prophet more than his own life. Perfect love for the Holy Prophet never fades. It is independent of life and death because it is the foundation of our faith.

According to Iqbal:

بہ مصطفیٰؐ برساں خویش را کہ دین ہمہ اوست

اگر بہ او نہ رسیدی، تمام بولہبی است

Explanation: Reach out to the Prophet Mohammad because the Holy Prophet is the complete religion. If you do not reach them, then your entire religion is the religion of Abu Lahab.

Companions and The Holy Prophet

The Companions say that they used to wander in the deserts. Allah blessed them by giving them His Beloved. Whatever action the Holy Prophet used to do, them followed him. This is how their whole religion Islam became perfected. They did not know about the Kaaba, nor about prayer and fasting, nor about anything else. They left everything and only held Prophet Mohammad’s feet. In short, they followed his footsteps and continued to do whatever the Holy Prophet was doing. Thier faith achieved perfection in this way.

The faith of the Companions reached the highest level on the basis of love for the Holy Prophet. As much as his companions were reverential to the beauty of the Holy Prophet, his faith was blessed with greatness and perfection.

2. Veneration and reverence of the Holy Prophet

After believing, the most important thing is to honor and admire the beloved profoundly and respectfully. Allah says, “So that, (O people,) you may believe in Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and may help his (religion), and revere and venerate him heart and soul, and (with that) glorify Allah morning and evening.” (48:9)

What is the literal meaning of reverence and veneration?

In the verse the word revere is used which means to help and support, respect and admire.

Al-Raghib al-Isfahani says, ‘Support or regard with great respect is called veneration.’

Dr Hassan Mohiuddin Qadri’s book ‘Mahabbat-e-Rasool ky taqazy awr Nusrat-e-Din’ states that according to Al-Raghib al-Isfahani, veneration refers to the majesty of the Holy Prophet that there is no limit to what you say. This is called veneration of the Prophet Mohammad. The word respect is not used here because parents, teachers and spiritual guides are also respected. Such respect for Prophet Mohammad is not permissible, but above all things, all respect, all honor, whatever will be done will be the reverence of Prophet Mohammad.

How does one practice veneration for the Beloved Prophet?

In addition to honoring the Holy Prophet, entering the battlefield for the sake of honor, integrity and greatness of the beloved Prophet, becoming the protector of his family and supporting him while honoring him is veneration. Regarding veneration Ibn Manzur states, “To help someone by sword is called veneration.” Here it is worth mentioning that instead of honoring the Holy Prophet Allah Almighty has said veneration for the Prophet.

Veneration for Prophet became a source of great success

As there was a period of ignorance or Jahiliya in Arabia. The Muslims were weak and could not go to Abyssinia or Madinah. The Holy Prophet blessed them with courage and bravery. They resisted the power of Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, even migrated to Abyssinia and reached Madinah. They raised their voice for Islam, went to the courtyard of Kaaba, offered prayers, and even gained blessings of the company of the beloved Prophet.  Ibn Manzur made it clear that respect is what everyone does, but veneration is where one lays down everything in the love of beloved, bears the blame of everyone, supports the divine religion in every situation and reprimand those who obstruct the fulfillment of this goal.

Veneration of the Companions for the Holy Prophet

Ali ibn Abi Talib

When Allah, the Exalted, ordered the migration to Madinah, the Holy Prophet instructed Ali ibn Abi Talib to tie down on his bed. This is how Ali ibn Abi Talib laid down his life on the bed of the Prophet Mohammad. Veneration for Prophet is not just words, but it is a matter of laying down in the Prophet’s bed while there is a siege of enemies around, not caring about his life just for the sake of the Holy Prophet.

Abu Bakr

When Abu Bakr was travelling with the Holy Prophet towards the cave of Thawr, sometimes he turned to the right and sometimes to the left of the Prophet. He used to go in front and sometimes started to follow the Holy Prophet. The Prophet asked Abu Bakr, “What is the matter?” He replied, “O Messenger of Allah, when I think that the enemy will come from the right side, I will be on your right side, when I think the enemy will come from left side, then I am on the left side. When I think enemy will approach from front, I go the front and when I think enemy will come from behind, I turn and start following you.” In other words, Abu Bakr was not only respectful but one of veneration. If he was just respectful, he would just follow behind, keeping the in mind the respect involved.

Cave of Thawr

During the migration, when the Holy Prophet was resting in the cave of Thawr, his head was in the lap of Abu Bakr Siddiq. He saw a hole there and closed it with his big toe so that no animal could harm the Holy Prophet. A snake in this hole kept biting him one after the other, but he did not withdraw his feet, but he endured the pain of the snake’s bite with steadfastness and did not even move his body. So that there may be no disturbance in the peace of the Holy Prophet. This is to venerate, the passion to save the beloved from every pain. He who sacrifices his life for the sake of the Holy Prophet blesses himself.

What is reverence for Prophet Mohammad?

By reverence, its means showing utmost appreciation and respect to the Holy Prophet. The term Tawqir derives from the Arabic root waqar, which conveys the meanings of sensibility, modesty, dignity, and tolerance. One should reverently, humbly, and patiently honor the Holy Prophet. The same patience will arise in the nature of one in front of whom you are mentioning the Prophet.

Reverence of the Companions for Prophet Mohammad

The Companions used to spend their days and night in the veneration, reverence and praise of the Holy Prophet.

  • A glimpse of it is described in the words of Abu Juhaifa, “I came to the Messenger of Allah in Makkah and he was at that time at al-Abtah in a red leather tent. And Bilal stepped out with ablution water for him. What was left out of that water, some of them got it and rubbed themselves with it. Whereas others who could not get any of it rubbed their hand with the fellow companion to put it on their body.” (Muslim 1119)

If this is the matter of devotion to the water used for ablution by the Beloved Prophet, then what will be the honor and regard for Prophet Mohammad himself.

  • Abdullah the freed slave of Asma (the daughter of Abu Bakr) reported about the cloak of Prophet Mohammad, “Here is the cloak of Allah’s Messenger and she brought out to me that cloak made of Persian cloth with a hem of brocade, and its sleeves bordered with brocade and said: This was Allah’s Messenger’s cloak with Aisha until she died. I got possession of it. The Apostle of Allah pbuh used to wear that, we wash it and use the water for the sick and sought cure thereby. (Muslim 5409)

3. Supporting him in Religion

Surah Al-Araf verse 157, uses the word Nusrat which means help. This gives rise to a question as to what work the Prophet needed help with. The Prophet of Allah needs assistance to accomplish the mission for which he was came in this world: to establish the religion. Therefore, the voice “Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah” was common on part of Prophet for the religion to prevail. Who is ready to be my helper and life-saver in this cause? Therefore, thanks to Allah Almighty, the Holy Prophet made the religion of Allah prevail in the land of Arabia with the constant struggle day and night and help of the eternal sacrifices of the Companions. He created a revolution in a short period of time, impossible to imagine in human history.

Mission of Prophet Mohammad

Muslims should carry forward the Prophet Mohammad’s mission, this is the requirement of love. One should not hesitate to make any kind of sacrifice for it. People should be brought out of the darkness of disbelief, polytheism, and led towards faith and Islam. They should learn about the Oneness of Allah. We should stop blindly imitating the ignorant customs of our forefathers and instead dedicate ourselves to the true worship of Allah. For this purpose, the Holy Prophet kept his days and nights as one. He never hesitated to make any kind of sacrifice.

Role of Muslims today

It is obligatory upon the Muslim umma to support the religion of the Holy Prophet in every way until the Day of Resurrection. Serving the religion is a great blessing bestowed by Allah. In this enchanting age, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is performing this great duty well so that we keep the center of our inwards as well as our actions on the Beloved Prophet. Love and complete obedience to the Holy Prophet is the guarantee of success in this world and the hereafter. Today’s Muslim has lost the love of the Holy Prophet and has become a victim of worldliness and selfishness. Losing himself in the love of the world, he has no longing for the beauty of the beloved Prophet. In the present era, the umma must be awake to support Mohammad’s religion for the survival of the Holy Prophet’s Sunna.

Sultan ul Ashiqeen

In the present era, the duty of revival of Sunna of Prophet Mohammad is being carried out by the spiritual successor of the Holy Prophet, Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. He is the perfect spiritual guide who soul is annihilated in Prophet Mohammad. His wisdom is Prophet’s wisdom that is being considered. Mohammad’s preferences are the ones being followed. His choices are being annihilated in the Prophet’s choices. Sultan ul Ashiqeen’s service is indeed a sign of support for the religion of the beloved Prophet.

holy prophet

4. Adherence to the Holy Quran

Surah al-Araf, verse 157 says, “And follow this light (the Quran) that has been sent down with him.” The Holy Quran is a charter of living. The Holy Prophet received the revelations in the heart. So, it is necessary to light the candle of faith in the dark hearts with the light of Mohammad. The Prophet Mohammad came to teach the Quran, the Book of Allah. This is the main duty of Prophethood. So how is it possible for the umma to achieve prosperity in this world and in the hereafter without the knowledge and practice of Holy Quran? We do not follow the Holy Quran, which is why we are subjugated and overwhelmed.

What is the importance of following the Holy Quran

The Holy Prophet said, “As long as you hold fast to two things which I left among you, you will not go astray: God’s Book and His Messenger’s Sunna.” (Mishkat al-Masabih 186)

The Holy Quran is the perfect source of goodness, blessings and guidance. One should believe in it, recite and following its commandments. Following the Quran and Hadith as in the Shariah brought by last Prophet, Prophet Mohammad are means of salvation in this world and the hereafter. The distance from the Holy Quran is a source of humiliation for the Muslim umma. Bringing the Muslim umma out of darkness of ignorance, guiding them towards the light by creating a longing for the eternal destination in their inwards-indeed-this is the real support of religion. The only solution for this is our attachment to the Quran and man of Quran i.e. the Holy Prophet.


It is not enough to verbally admit that we love Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet with all our heart and soul. The requirement of love for the Beloved Prophet is that we fulfill the commandments of Allah Almighty. Also, refrain from those things that Allah Almighty has forbidden. Moreover, keep the instructions of the Holy Quran close to the inward and follow the Sunna of the Holy Prophet. Surely, make the life of the Holy Prophet a model for yourself and do everything according to it. In short, a Muslim should consider his success only in following the Quran and Sunna.


This is English Translation of Urdu Article محبتِ رسولؐ اور نصرتِ دین that appeared in September 2024 issue of monthly Sultan ul Faqr Magazine. Ms Noreen Sarwari Qadri authored the original article. Abeeha Malik Sarwari Qadri has translated it in English.

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