Prof. Sultan Mohammad Hammad ur Rehman

Sultan Hammad ur Rehman

Prof. Sultan Mohammad Hammad ur Rehman



    At the sacred occasion of Mawlid celebrated on 21st March 2021, Sultan ul Ashiqeen granted Khilafat (spiritual succession) to Professor Hammad ur Rehman Sarwari Qadri. Whilst addressing the devotees, Sultan ul Ashiqeen said, “Hammad has been with me eversince I started working for Allah from a small room. He is quite educated. Despite all the ups and downs, problems I faced and enmity he faced from his relatives, he left his family. 2 achievements are at his credit: when we shifted to Khanqah of Sarwari Qadri Order, he is the one who started its system. Likewise, when we shifted to Khanqah Sultan ul Ashiqeen, he was the same person who started it. He is the one who handled the locals of this area for the smooth management of Khanqah affairs.

    Today, I grant him my Khilafat after his long period of struggles. He has even taken a house on rent nearby to be able to work for khanqah more efficiently.” After a brief pause, Sultan ul Ashiqeen added, “I pray that Allah grant them (Hammad ur Rehman and Nasir Majid) consistency and complete Noor upon them. I will train them during my lifetime.”

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