Sultan Bahoo | Sarwari Qadri Saints (Mashaikh)

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Biography of Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo​

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo


Sultan Bahoo was born on Thursday the 1st of Jamadi-us-Sani in 1039 H (17 January, 1630 A.D). Moreover, it was the time of Fajr prayers. Actually, Sultan Bahoo born in the reign of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in Shorkot, District Jhung, Pakistan (then India).


Moreover, he belonged to “Awan” tribe of the progeny of Ali ibn Abi Talib. In fact, Awans are Ali ibn Abi Talib’s children from wives other than Fatimah bint Mohammad.


Sultan Bahoo’s father Bazyed Mohammad was a soldier by profession. Additionally, he was a titleholder in Mughal emperor Shah Jahan’s army. Whereas his mother Bibi Rasti rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh was a saintly woman. Therefore, she already knew the grandeur and status of Sultan Bahoo before his birth. So, according to his status of annihilation in Allah (fana-fi-Hoo) she named him Bahoo (one with Hoo (ھُو)).

Sultan Bahoo says:

نام باھُوؒ مادر باھُوؒ نہاد

زانکہ باھُوؒ دائمی با ھُو نہاد

Sultan Bahoo was a Saint by Birth

Sultan Bahoo was a Saint by birth. Therefore, he remained engrossed in spiritual experiences and triumphed in the doubtless from an early age. Moreover, Sultan Bahoo gained his early esoteric and spiritual education from his mother.

Miracles of Sultan Bahoo since his Childhood

Since his childhood, a non-Muslim would immediately recite Kalma if his eyes fell on the enlightened face of Sultan Bahoo. Such was the intensity of the Divine light on his face.

Divine Search and Presence in Mohammadan Assembly

As he states in his books, ‘I searched for a spiritual guide (Murshid) for thirty years but in vain’. It was because he already held such elevated heights of Faqr where access for anyone is extremely arduous. Therefore, Sultan Bahoo relates one of his revelations in his book. Once, engrossed in vision of Allah, he was wondering in the surroundings of Shorkot. Then, Ali ibn Abi Talib came and took him to the Mohammadan Assembly. Moreover, People of Cloak, Rashidun Caliphs and Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani were also present.

Sultan Bahoo swore oath of allegiance at the sacred hands of the Holy Prophet. Then Holy Prophet entrusted Sultan Bahoo to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani for further spiritual guidance. That is why Sultan Bahoo always refers Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani as his Murshid and spiritual guide in his books. Moreover, he says that when Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani blessed me esoterically, I surpassed all the spiritual levels from eternal beginning till eternal end.

He reached the level of Divine Oneness in Lahoot La Makan.

Oath of Allegiance

Afterwards, on the orders of Abdul Qadir Jilani he took an oath of allegiance. As per order, he swore allegiance at the hands of Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi. Moreover, Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi entrusted Faqr to him in just one meeting.
Sultan Bahoo has the highest status of Sultan-ul-Faqr (Fifth). Therefore, this status and splendour of Sultan Bahoo is beyond anyone’s imagination.

Sarwari Qadri Order

Sultan Bahoo belonged to Sarwari Qadri chain. Originally, the Qadri order reaches Holy Prophet through Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Moreover, there are two offshoots of Qadri order, Zahidi Qadri and Sarwari Qadri. Sultan Bahoo refers only the Sarwari Qadri order the real Qadri order. As he says:

Off Shoots of Qadri Order

Qadri order has two off shoots; Sarwari Qadri and Zahidi Qadri. Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide has perfect command over contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. He blesses the seeker with the spiritual education and Divine guidance through Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Spiritual guide grants him the status equal to his own on the very first day. The seeker becomes indifferent and independent of all needs, his attention remains focused only on the Truth. Hence, gold and soil become equal for him. On the contrary, the follower of Zahidi Qadri order has to devote at least twelve years to very hard mystic struggles. So much so that his stomach remains empty. After twelve years, he becomes eligible to be present before Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. He attains the status of a majdhub (spiritually lost) devotee. Whereas the status of a Sarwari Qadri is that of a beloved devotee. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)

Sarwari Qadri Murshid

He describes the status of Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide and devotees in these words:
What is the initial level of Sarwari Qadri? It is that the perfect Qadri spiritual guide drowns the true seeker of Allah in the Divine light of gnosis of Allah. Moreover, he grants him the presence of Mohammadan Assembly. He grants him just by his glance or by the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Or by the invocation of Islamic creed or by his spiritual attention. This is the first day lesson of the Qadri followers. The spiritual guide who neither knows this lesson nor takes disciples to the Mohammadan Assembly is not Qadri guide. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)

Sultan Bahoo himself holds this status. He says:



Sultan Bahoo holds the status of Sultan-ul-Faqr (Fifth). That is why status and splendour of Sultan Bahoo is beyond anyone’s imagination. He says that, “I have been ordered and given powers by the Holy Prophet to guide everyone. No matter, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, alive or dead and lead them all to Allah till the Doomsday. Holy Prophet has granted me the titles ‘Mujtaba Akhir Zamani’ and ‘Mustafa Sani’.” (Risala Roohi Sharif)

Books of Sultan Bahoo

Sultan Bahoo could not get the opportunity to receive worldly education. Because he was so absorbed in the deep rivers of Divinity. Still he has written 140 books about Faqr, gnosis and vision of Allah (Deedar-e-Elahi) for guidance of seekers.

Ism-e-Allah Zaat is the Key to Success

In all his books, he lays emphasis on acquiring Faqr under the spiritual guidance of a Sarwari Qadri Murshid. He declares the invocation (Zikr) and contemplation (Tasawur) of Ism-e-Allah Zaat the key to the ultimate sanctity. Moreover, Sultan Bahoo consider it the only way of purity of soul where the soul gets blessings of Divine vision. Furthermore, it grants presence in the Mohammadan Assembly.

Transference of Faqr

Sultan Bahoo says in his books that despite of all his efforts he could not find a truly capable seeker. To whom he could entrust the treasure of Faqr for the future guidance of devotees.

Finally, on the Ist of Jamadi-us-Sani in 1102 H (Ist March 1691 A.D) he died without transferring this treasure to anyone. Afterwards, Sultan Bahoo entrusted this treasure to Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani.


The Shrine of Sultan Bahoo is in Garh Maharaja Jhung Pakistan. His urs is held on the first Thursday of Jamadi-us-Sani. His title is Sultan-ul-Arifeen.


To read the detailed account of Biography and Teachings of Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo, Please visit:


Biography of Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani


Birth and Geneology

He born on 29th Ramadan 1186 H (24 December 1772 A.D) in Madina. Moreover, his fraternal genealogy reaches the Prophet through Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani. Likewise, his maternal genealogy reaches Ali ibn Abi Talib through Sayyid Mohammad Taqi. Besides this, Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi (spiritual guide of Sultan Bahoo) was his great grandfather. Furthermore, his grandfather Sayyid Abdul Aziz migrated from Dehli to Baghdad in 1696. Then, migrated to Madina in 1698.

Divine Search

Since his childhood, he devoted towards prayers and had strong spiritual relationship with Allah. Hence, he learnt the Quran by heart at the age of 12 years. Conversely, he was least interested in the worldly businesses. So, his maternal grandfather Sayyid Mohammad Zaqi-ud-Din often took him to the sacred tomb of Prophet Mohammad. Over there he could find peace of inward. After the death of his parents, he completely shunned the worldly life. Moreover, he started living at Al-Masjid an-Nabawi where he silently served and prayed for six years.

Migration after another six years

After another six years, the Holy Prophet again came in his dream and asked the same question. Likewise, the answer was the same. Thereby, the Holy Prophet guided him that for Faqr he had to go to Sultan Bahoo. He expressed his unawareness about culture and language of that area. So, Holy Prophet said, “We shall entrust you to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. This is his responsibility to prepare you and send you there”.

On awakening, he obeyed the order and prepared himself to go to Baghdad. By the guidance of Shaikh Abdul Qadir, he reached at the shrine of Sultan Bahoo in 1825.

Transference of Faqr

Sultan Bahoo entrusted him the treasure of Faqr spiritually. Moreover, he instructed him to settle in Ahmadpur East, which is the Bahawalpur state. In addition. He ordered him to guide the seekers of Allah Almighty.

Bahawal Khan III of Bahawalpur state was a great devotee of Sultan ul Tarikeen. Consequently, in Ahmadpur East thousands of devotees acquired the blessings of Faqr from him. However, he found the sincere devotee in the purest soul of Sultan-ul-Sabireen Sultan Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah Hashmi Qureshi. So before his death he entrusted the treasure of Faqr to him for future guidance of seekers of Allah.

Death, Shrine and Urs (Death Anniversary)

Lastly, he died on 29th of Ramadan in 1276 H (20 April, 1860 A.D). Furthermore, his shrine is in Ahmadpur East or Ahmadpur Sharqia, Bahawalpur (Pakistan). Moreover, devotees celebrates his urs on the second Sunday of Shawwal. His title is Sultan-ul-Tarikeen.

In order to read complete biography of Sayyid Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani please read the books;

Chapter # 2 of The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order
Life History of Sultan-ul-Tarikeen
Author: Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.

Please also visit:

Sultan ul Tarikeen | Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah (


Biography of Sultan-ul-Sabireen Sultan Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah Hashmi Qureshi


Birth and Geneology

He was born on 9th July 1827 A.D. Likewise, Islamic calendar dated 14th of Zilhaj (Dhul al-Hijjah) 1242 H in Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan (India). Furthermore, his ancestral link goes back in 26 steps to Holy Prophet’s uncle Ḥamzah ibn ‘Abdul-Muṭṭalib.

Education and Divine Search

Since childhood, Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah completely inclined towards religion. Till the age of 18 years he had acquired almost all the religious education, fiqh and sharia. Nevertheless, his soul was restless. Thereby, his urge to find the Divine reality was increasing.

Oath of Allegiance (Bayat or Al-Bayah)

At the age of 25 he had a dream. In which, the Prophet, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and Sultan Bahoo ordered him to go to Ahmadpur East. They instructed him meet Sayyid Abdullah Shah, who would spiritually guide and bless him with Faqr. Therefore, Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah reached Ahmadpur East in 1851. Moreover, he took oath of allegiance upon the hands of Sayyid Abdullah Shah. Thence, Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah started serving him wholeheartedly. Furthermore, he remained in his service for almost 9 years. Under the spiritual guidance of Sayyid Abdullah Shah, he reached the extremities of Faqr.

Transference of Faqr to Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah

Before death in 1860, Sayyid Abdullah Shah passed on the Faqr to him at the shrine of Sultan Bahoo.

Migration to Mud Rujbana

After the death of his beloved spiritual guide (Murshid), he first migrated to Shorkot in 1861. Then he migrated to Mud Rujbana (MudSharif) Garh Maharaja District Jhung Pakistan (then India) in 1862.

Here he showed the path of gnosis (Marifat) and vision of Allah (Deedar-e-Elahi) to thousands of seekers. Moreover, he remained stationed in Mud Rujbana for 50 years. Therefore, he blessed people with the treasure of Faqr and Ism-e-Allah Zaat (personal name of Allah).


Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani gave him title of ‘Shahbaz-e-Arifaan’.

Mystic Poetry of Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah

He has left a treasure of mystic poetry, which is masterpiece of Divine love.

Transference of Faqr Pir Bahadur Ali Shah

When Sultan Bahoo gave him Trust, he told, “a circumcised baby boy with cut naval will born in my family. You will have to transfer this treasure to him”. Therefore, he entrusted the heritage of Faqr to Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz. Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz was born with exactly the same signs in the family of Sultan Bahoo. Thus, Faqr returned to the family of Sultan Bahoo once again.

Death, Shrine and Urs

Lastly, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah died on 27th Feb 1934 (14 Ziqa’ad 1352 Hijri). His Shrine is near Shorkot (Pakistan), 2 kilometres away from Adda Qasim Abad Jhung Shorkot Road. Devotees celebrate his urs on 25th, 26th and 27th February.

For detailed study of life history of Shahbaz-e-Arifaan Sultan Pir Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah, please study Chapter # 4 of The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order.

Author: Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.

Please also visit:

Abdul Ghafoor Shah | sultan ul sabireen-king of enduring ones (


Biography of Sultan-ul-Auliya Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz


Birth and Geneology

Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz was born on 12th March 1911 A.D. Whereas the Islamic date was 12 Rabi’ al-awwal 1329 Hijri. Moreover, he was born in Garh Maharaja District Jhung Pakistan. Most importantly, his genealogical tree traces back to Sultan Bahoo in the eighth generation. Furthermore, he was born circumcised and with cut naval according to revelation of Sultan Bahoo. His father Sultan Fateh Mohammad rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh was a noble and pious Saint.

Mohammad Abdul Aziz’s first glance was for his Murshid

When Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz was born, he did not open his eyes for about seven days. Therefore, his worried father took him to the shrine of Sultan Bahoo. Coincidentally, Pir Bahadur Ali Shah was present at the shrine. Therefore, Sultan Fateh Mohammad requested him to bless his son. When Pir Bahadur Ali Shah took Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz in his lap, immediately, he opened his eyes. Thus, Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz’s first glance was for his Murshid, who spiritually blessed this pure soul since birth.

Oath of Allegiance

When he was 21 years old, he took oath of allegiance at the hands of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah.

Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz’s love for His Spiritual Guide

Afterwards, he dedicated his life in the service and love for his perfect spiritual guide. Moreover, he never rode a horse or any other vehicle while going to meet his Murshid, in his honour. Once he travelled 100 kilometres on foot to visit his spiritual guide. This shows the great honour and respect he had for him. Furthermore, his mystic poetry is also full of love for his spiritual guide. Even after the death of his spiritual guide, it was his routine to stay at shrine of his Murshid. This stays was of 21, 9 , 5 or 3 days.

Transference of Faqr to Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz

Pir Bahadur Ali Shah entrusted treasure of Faqr to him. After transference, he devoted the rest of his life in guiding the seekers.


Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani gave him the title of ‘Sultan-ul-Auliya’. Its meaning is sultan of Saints.

Charismatic Personality

He was a very attractive and kind. Some of his attributes were his punctuality, patience, sobriety and most of all great devotion for Allah almighty.

Transference of Faqr to Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali

It was destined from eternity that he will pass on the heritage of Faqr to his son. His son Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is at the highest status of Sultan-ul-Faqr (sixth). Consequently, he did not have to search for a true and capable devotee to entrust the treasure of Faqr.

Death, Shrine and Urs

Lastly, Sultan Abdul Aziz died on 12th April 1981 (7th Jumada al-Thani 1401 Hijri). His shrine is half kilometre away from the shrine of Sultan Bahoo in Garh Maharaja Jhung. Furthermore, his urs is held in Jumada al-Thani on the Sunday and Monday, which comes after urs of Sultan Bahoo.

In order to read complete biography of Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz please read the Chapter # 5 of book ‘The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order’.

Author: Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.

Please also visit:

Sultan ul Auliya Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz (

Biography of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI


Birth and Geneology

Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali was son of Sultan Abdul Aziz. He was born on 14th August 1947 on the night of 27th Ramadan 1366 Hijri. His place of birth is Samandri Garh Maharaja District Jhung Pakistan.

Early Education

Furthermore, he got his early education from Garh Maharaja. Later on, he passed his matriculation from Naushehra District Khushab.

Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz’s love for Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali

He was the most beloved son of Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz. Therefore, he never let him go away from him. Moreover, Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz knew that his son is Sultan-ul-Faqr. That is why; he gave special attention towards his spiritual training. It was due to his unprecedented beauty that his father and Murshid Sultan Abdul Aziz used to address him with the appellation “Chan” (the moon).

Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s love for Spiritual Guide

He adorned with all the marvellous attributes of the seekers described by Sultan Bahoo in books. Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz was not only his father but also his Murshid. Therefore, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali served and followed his father not as a father but as his Murshid. Even, not a single moment of his life passed without the obedience to his spiritual guide. Moreover, the intensity of his love for the Murshid was such that he did not part from him. Not only he loved his Murshid but was also the beloved of his Murshid. Therefore, his spiritual guide never let him go away from his sight.

30th Shaikh of Sarwari Qadri Order

Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is Sultan-ul-Faqr 6th. Moreover, the way he held Faqr, is a proof that he holds the status of Sultan-ul-Faqr. Furthermore, spread the Divine light, Faqr and gnosis (Marifat-e-Elahi) in this materialistic world. Consequently, he elevated thousands of his disciples to the extremities of Faqr.

Revolution in the field of Faqr according to New Age

Most importantly, he revolutionized the path of Faqr according to the demands of new age. Therefore, he made it easier to gain the blessings of Faqr. Previously, it was considered against sharia to reveal greatest name of Allah (Ism-e-Azam) i.e. Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Therefore, it was given to specially selected persons only. Now, every Muslim can get Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Undoubtedly, it is because of unmatched spiritual capabilities of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. He elevated his disciples to such spiritual heights where they could easily tolerate the luminous and marvels of Ism-e-Allah Zaat.

As it is the law of nature to keep balance in the universe. So with the increasing Satanism in the present world, Faqr is also becoming common. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is the greatest example of this balance.

Status of Sultan-ul-Faqr

Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is Sultan-ul-Faqr 6th. Moreover, the way he held Faqr, is a proof that he holds the status of Sultan-ul-Faqr. Furthermore, spread the Divine light, Faqr and gnosis (Marifat-e-Elahi) in this materialistic world. Consequently, he elevated thousands of his disciples to the extremities of Faqr.

Steps to spread Faqr

To spread Faqr and bounty of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, he took many steps. For example, in 1989 he established an ‘Islahi Jamat’ to attract people towards the esoteric aspect of Islam.  Moreover, he himself trained preacher of this organisation and filled their inward with light of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Resultantly, through the efforts of organisation lacs of people got blessing of with Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Moreover, these blessing were not confined to Pakistan but all over the world.

Furthermore, he also established a publication department in 1994. This department published many books based on Faqr and Tasavvuf. In addition, it started publishing a monthly magazine in 2000 based on the teachings of Sultan Bahoo. Furthermore, to spread the teachings of Sultan Bahoo, he arranged to publish his books with proper and accurate translation. Hence, it proved a great guidance for devotees on the path of Faqr.


His title is Sultan-ul-Faqr (sixth) in accordance with his status.

Sultan Mohammad Asghar's way of Preaching Islam

He strongly felt that the religious scholars of today are emphasizing upon the exoteric aspect of Islam. Thereby, they are neglecting soul of Islam. Consequently, they have divided the umma into sections and groups, which is against teachings of Islam. Therefore, it is high time to invite umma towards the real Islam. That is to purify their souls from esoteric diseases like greed, vanity, pride, malice, jealousy etc. When a one’s innerself purifies, the exoteric self is set to right automatically. Resultantly, spiritual purification prevails in each person of the society, whole society is set right. Therefore, society achieve religious elevation alongwith worldly development. This is the basic rule of the path of Faqr.

For example, Holy Prophet Mohammad educated Arab society according to this rule, which led to exemplary welfare state. Therefore, Faqr is legacy and methodology of Prophet Mohammad. But, only Saints of umma have this authority over spiritual sanctification. Not everyone possesses such spiritual powers. Therefore, Allah and his beloved Prophet Mohammad for the welfare of ummah blessed Shaikhs of Sarwari Qadri order with these powers.

Transference of Faqr from Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman

Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali held the throne of Sarwari Qadri Shaikh for 23 years. From 1981 after the death of his spiritual guide till his own death in December 2003. During these 23 years, he also kept on searching for such a strong, capable, truthful and devoted disciple. So that, he could entrust the treasure of Faqr. In 1998, he found such a capable disciple in Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali polished this pearl for three. In 2001, he took Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman with him and some other disciples to Hajj. In Madina, he presented Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman in Mohammadan Assembly. On his approval, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali passed on the heritage of Faqr to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.

Death, Shrine and Urs

Lastly, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh died on 26th Dec 2003 (2nd Dhu al-Qidah 1424 H). Moreover, he is buried beside his father and Murshid Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz in his shrine. The date of his urs is on first Friday of Dhu al-Qidah.

For detailed study of biography of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali please read the books:

Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali-Life and Teachings
Chapter # 6 of book The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order
Authored by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.

Please also visit:

Sultan ul Faqr 6th Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali | Murshid Kamil


Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the 31st Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri Order

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-ul-Azam Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman


The sacred birth of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen took place on Wednesday, 19th August 1959 in Bakhshan Khan, Tehsil Chishtian, Bahawalnagar District, Pakistan. Islamic date is 14th Safar, 1379 Hijri. Time was at 4:30 a.m.


Arains trace back to Shaikh Saleem Al-Raee, whose genealogy meets Prophet Mohammad’s genealogy, six steps backward at “Loee”.

Shaikh Saleem Al-Raees’ son Shaikh Habib Al-Raee was a Saint of highest cadre. It is important to mention that he gained beneficence from Salman the Persian. Moreover, Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali ibn Usman al-Hajveri has also mentioned about Shaikh Habib Al-Raee. Such as in his famous book ‘Kashf-ul-Mahjub’ he writes:

“Among the Saints of the highest level, Shaikh Habib Al-Raee son of Shaikh Saleem Al-Raee is included. Shaikh Habib Al-Raee is the leader of all the Saints and holds a great status. There are a number of signs, which prove his grand level. He was among the companions of Salman the Persian.

Moreover, he related Hadith from Prophet Mohammad that:

نِیَّتِ الْمُؤْمِنِ خَیْرٌ مِّنْ عَمَلِہٖ

Meaning: A true believer’s intention is better than his action. (Kashf-ul-Mahjub)

Shaikh Habib Al-Raee’s son Shaikh Haleem Al-Raee came to India from Arab with Mohammad Bin Qasim for preaching. He and his family settled in India afterwards. Their progeny got name of “Raeen”. In fact, it changed to Arain with the passage of time.

Before the partition of the Sub-continent, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman’s ancestors lived in Mudhan village, Jalandhar India. When Pakistan was established, they migrated to Pakistan sacrificing many lives and all their property. In Pakistan, they initially settled in Shahkot, Layal Pur (present Faisalabad). Then Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman’s father Abdul Hameed shifted to Bakhshan Khan, Tehsil Chishtian, District Bahawalnagar, Pakistan.

The Parents of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen


Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman’s father was Abdul Hameed rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh. His father was born on February 8, 1931 (21 Ramadan, 1349 H) Sunday at Madhan Tehsil Nakodar, District Jalandhar, India. He got education upto middle standard and started working with his father in agriculture. Alongside, he also learnt accounts from a Hindu that paid him a lot in his practical life. He was punctual about offering his midnight (Tahajjud) prayer. Therefore he used to stay awake worshipping Allah at night since his early age. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen says that he had never seen his father ever missing any voluntary prayers, let alone missing the compulsory ones. He used to offer supererogatory prayers (Nafls) getting up at the half-passed night, then recited the Holy Quran from midnight until dawn. After offering Fajr (morning) prayer he used to do invocation (Zikr) of Allah’s name until sunrise.


Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman’s mother name was Kaneez Fatima. She was daughter of Chaudhry Sharf Din. She born in Jalandhar city on Saturday, 4, August 1934 (23 Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1353 H). Her father Sharf Din was a secondary school teacher. She had received education till middle standard at the time of creation of Pakistan. Her father died a few months before Pakistan came into being. After migration, her family settled in Montgomery (present Sahiwal). Her wedding took place with Abdul Hameed on Thursday 13, March 1958 (21 Shaban, 1377 H).

یَانَبیِ سَلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَارَسُوْلْ سَلَامْ عَلَیْکَ

Meaning: Salutations upon you O beloved Prophet.

Effect of Charismatic Personality of his Mother on Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has a great influence of his mother’s nature on his life and personality. Apparently, he also resembles a lot to his mother.

Death of Parents

She died on Wednesday June 6, 1990 (12 Ziqa’ad 1410 H) at 3:00 a.m. in Lahore, Pakistan. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s father died in 2004 on Friday, June 18 (29 Rabi-al-Thani 1425 H) at 10:00 p.m. Both are buried in the graveyard of Kareem Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore, Pakistan. Entering the graveyard from northern side, in front of the college, on the right side are the graves. There are also the graves of his beloved daughter and father in law.


Since eternity, Allah has chosen Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen for the Treasure of Faqr. So the Divine Light illuminates upon his countenance since birth. Once, a Fakir viewed his celestial forehead and told his mother; “Allah has chosen your son for a sacred purpose. Allah has written a special destiny on his forehead. Therefore, he will spend his whole life under the supervision of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Moreover he will prepare him spiritually to execute a very special responsibility”. On another occasion, a Dervish said, “Your son is a Leader. Wherever he will go, he will lead”. Hence, to prepare him to execute the hardest duty, he passed through severe hardships since the early life.


Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman started his regular education from Dipalpur District Okara, Pakistan. Inspite of financial crisis, he completed the Quranic and other religious education due to his God gifted qualities. Since childhood, he found peace and spiritual tranquillity in getting the knowledge of religion because of his love for Allah. Not only the Quran but other books also about Islam and Islamic history attracted his attention the utmost. He completed his matriculation from Government High School Dipalpur, District Okara.

Practical Life

It is noteworthy that his writing skills also started manifesting from childhood. Hence, he began to write essays in the children sections of newspapers during his fifth standard. Therefore, his essays have been publishing in the children’s editions of renowned newspapers. Such as, Roznama (Daily) Wafaq Lahore, Roznama Masawat Lahore, Roznama Mashriq Lahore and Roznama Imroze Lahore. His family had been facing financial problems since his childhood, so he could not continue his education regularly. Even in such crucial conditions, he did his intermediate in 1980. Moreover, he did graduation in 1983 in first division as a private student alongside doing part time jobs.

In 1983, Okara officially became a district. Therefore, many district offices were present there. He worked in a district office but he knew that it was not possible to progress in this city. So, he had been often visiting Lahore for interviews and exams for different designations. At last, he got a government job in 1985 in Lahore. Consequently, he migrated to Lahore on April 12, 1985. In short, this migration proved to be a blessing, which opened all avenues of financial comfort. He continued this job with devotion and hard work for twenty-eight years. Afterwards he got retirement in December 2013.

After shifting to Lahore, he married and had started a happy and well-settled life. Soon, he overcame the attraction of wealth and an intense desire arose to get closeness of Allah. Despite all the luxuries, his inward was not contented. Moreover, he was unable to find peace in any worldly pleasure. Therefore, to find satisfaction of soul he started to meditate and pray excessively.

Search for Divine Truth

He was only thirty-seven when he devoted himself completely to Allah. Gradually, his soul became more and more anxious to meet his Beloved. This created an upheaval in his inward.

Once, in the days of his service, he got out of the office to offer (midday) prayer. A middle-aged man dressed strangely encountered him suddenly and said, “The period of Allah’s beneficence upon you has started. Sustain your condition in the same way”. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen asked the man, “Who are you?” He replied, “I am the one who shows the right path to people and guides them. Therefore I have come only to see you”. At first, Sultan-ul- Ashiqeen thanked and had stepped ahead. Only after a few steps, a thought flashed that how the man knew his inner state. At once! Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen returned and searched that man but he had disappeared. On inquiring about him from the people around, he came to know that no one had seen such a man around.

Spiritual Oath of Allegiance

Presence in Mohammadan Assembly

It was the night of 12th April 1997. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has offered supererogatory prayer after midnight. He was offering salutation to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). All of sudden his esoteric self was enlightened. Consequently, he found himself in the Mohammadan Assembly. The eternal Divine light, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was sitting in the middle. Furthermore, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with them) were sitting on his right side. While on his left were Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar ibn Khattab, and Usman ibn Affan. After them on the left side, there were the leaders of the four spiritual orders. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen remained stunned with awe and majesty of the Mohammadan Assembly. He was about to collapse with surprise and fear.

Legacy of Hasan ibn Ali

Meanwhile Ali ibn Abi Talib, stepped ahead and held his hand in his own hand. After this, he presented him before the Holy Prophet letting him sit by the sacred feet of the Prophet. Respected Ali said to the Prophet, “My lord, he is Najib-ur-Rehman. He is your slave and is the spiritual son of your dear daughter (Fatimah tuz-Zahra). She has selected him to grant her legacy (of Faqr). For your approval, she has presented him to your court”.

Listening that, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen bowed at Prophet Mohammad’s sacred feet, the beloved Lord of both the worlds. The Prophet acknowledged his recommendation by his dear daughter and had accepted. He said, “Now he is our spiritual son but the legacy of which son may be granted to him?” Imam Hassan requested him, “Respected grandfather! My mother has asked for granting him my legacy”. The Prophet, holding Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen from shoulders, lifted him from his feet and said, “You are my spiritual son and heir. Therefore, you would benefit a whole era and we would make you our manifestation. Moreover, you have pleased my dear daughter and we are pleased with you.”

Oath of Allegiance

Prophet Mohammad then stretched his hands towards him for oath of allegiance. So, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen held the sacred hands of the Prophet and took oath of allegiance. After that, the Holy Prophet looked at the spiritual guides of the four orders. Then he said to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, “You have his spiritual legacy.” After that, he handed him over to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. He said, “He is our darling daughter’s spiritual son and now he is our spiritual son. You are entrusted to give him spiritual knowledge”.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen describes that he kissed the feet of the People of Cloak and Rashidun Caliphs on having such a blessing. Everyone congratulated him and caressed his head. Afterwards, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani having permission of the Holy Prophet came back along with Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman from the Mohammadan Assembly. Therefore, started his spiritual training.

Physical Oath of Allegiance (Bayat)

Search of Spiritual Guide

In January 1998, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ordered Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen to search for a living spiritual guide. Therefore, he visited different places within and outside Lahore. Furthermore, he met many guides but any one of them did not satisfy him. In February 1998, he had a dream. In which an attractive man with an enlightened face said, “Come my son, I am waiting for you”. On waking up, he was surprised and started his quest for that awe-inspiring face. However, many days passed and his search could not meet the destination.

Moreover, there was no sign or indication even from Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and Data Ganj Bakhsh. Again, in March 1998, he dreamt about that spectacular face of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. He said, “Son! You have struggled a lot and suffered through many hardships. Now come to me”. While pointing to the Ism-e-Allah Zaat, he said, “I have this trust of yours. To entrust it to you I have been waiting for you for long”.

12th April, 1998

However, the situation remained the same as to where could that face be found? Again, he started his struggle. On 12th April 1998, early morning he reached the shrine of Sultan Bahoo. Sultan Bahoo said, “You are my beloved as well. Just go to Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz’s shrine, there you will find your spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. He is the one you were looking for”. Then he said, “Go! Your spiritual guide is waiting for you. Have your legacy from him”.

Immediately, he reached the shrine of Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz. As soon as he entered the room, he saw the same charming face of his dream. Finally, he felt as if he had found the treasure of both the worlds. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali looked at him and said, “So you have come”. Only he could hear his spiritual guide’s words in the room full of people. Sultan-ul-Faqr took his oath after evening (Maghrib) prayer. The date was 12th April, 1998 (15th Zilhaj, 1418 H) Monday night. On the very first day he became the beloved of his spiritual guide. From that day onwards till today he is stationed at the highest levels of belovedness which are elevating every moment day by day.

Service of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen for his Spiritual Guide

Annihilation in Spiritual Guide

He got so much absorbed in the Divine love of his spiritual guide so that he forgot his own existence. All his friendships, relations and other worldly matters lost their importance. Moreover, his main concern and first priority was the comfort and happiness of his spiritual guide. Therefore, he was ready to sacrifice his entire wealth for merely one smile or a glance of love from his beloved spiritual guide.

Duties Assigned by Spiritual Guide

He took upon the duty of making clothes for his Murshid for all seasons. Moreover, dresses of all the events such as Eid and urs (death anniversaries) of spiritual guides. In addition, he did this duty throughout the life with such devotion that he forgot to get his own dresses. When he made his house in Mustafa Town Lahore, he got a room specially made for his spiritual guide.

Mahnama Mirat-ul-Arifeen Lahore

Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali assigned him the duty of publishing the Magazine “Mahnama Mirat-ul-Arifeen Lahore” as its chief editor.


In November 2001, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali assigned Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman the duty to establish “Maktaba-ul-Arifeen”. Apart from this, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman also devoted his house in Education Town.

Ism-e-Allah Zaat

His spiritual guide assigned him auspicious duty of preparing the gold Ism-e-Allah Zaat as well as the printed ones. In all honesty, he performed this duty throughout the remaining life of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. A few moments before his demise, he called up Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen on phone to inquire about this particular duty.

Supervisor of Islahi Jamat.

He also gave the responsibility of Bait-ul-Maal (Treasury) of Islahi Jamat to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. As in the matters of money, he could trust only him.

Treasury of Islahi Jamat

In November 2001, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali made him the supervisor of Islahi Jamat, Lahore. He made so many efforts for its progress.

In 2001, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali intended to perform Hajj. He told Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, “This Hajj is important for you and me as well”. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen had already spent all his wealth in the way of Allah. Therefore, he had to sell his car to meet the expenses for himself, his Murshid and the other companions. Hence, from 28th February till 28th March 2001, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali performed Hajj. Moreover, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman and few other selected disciples accompanied him. He presented Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman in Mohammadan Assembly there. Consequently, Holy Prophet accepted and approved him as heir of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali.

However, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman never demanded anything in return of his services and sacrifices. He performed every task and fulfilled all the responsibilities given by the spiritual guide just to please him. Due to his Divine love, sincerity and diligence, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali chose him as his spiritual heir.

Transference of Trust of Faqr

By 26th December 2003, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali had checked and approved Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. So, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI transferred the Trust of Faqr inwardly and secretly to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman and left this material world.

Throne of Guidance

Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the 31st Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri Order. He started granting Ism-e-Allah Zaat and accepting oath of allegiance from the 14th of August 2005. Since then, he has taken revolutionary steps to shower the bounty of the Faqr upon the entire umma.

The first and foremost favour upon the seeker of Allah is the invocation. In the past, disciple use to invoke Ism-e-Allah Zaat in four stages. For example i.e. Allahu, Lillah, Lahoo and Hoo (اَللّٰہُ للّٰہُ لَہُ ھُو). Previously, sultan of invocations i.e. ‘Hoo’ was given to disciple when he had passed all the basic stages. Therefore, it was a long process and required a lot of time. Usually, most of the disciples could not reach this highest level.

On the other hand, Allah has blessed Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman with great spiritual powers. Therefore, he gives his disciples the sultan of invocations i.e. ‘Hoo’ at the very first day of allegiance. Moreover, he also grants them printed or pure gold Ism-e-Allah Zaat for contemplation. Shaikh al-Akbar Mohiyuddin ibn Arabi says in Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya that, “Hoo (ھُو) is the final invocation of knowers”. When the seeker gets perfection in invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat, then the contemplation of Ism-e-Mohammad is given. This is for the first time in the history of Faqr by the beneficence of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.

Perfect Spiritual Guide

In every era, there is present a perfect spiritual guide who possesses Divine Trust. In addition, he is also the heir of the treasure of Faqr. Such a perfect spiritual guide has authority to grants sultan of invocations i.e. ‘Hoo’. Moreover, he gives contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat to the seeker on the very first day of his oath. It is important to mention that Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has all the qualities of a perfect spiritual guide. Even sincere seekers gives testimony of such qualities of him. He has the ability to purify the inward and sanctify the soul of the seekers. Ultimately, they become free of jealousy, envy, greed, lust, etc. Moreover, he blesses them with piety, patience, steadfastness, humility, gratitude and unconditional Love for Allah.

Establishment of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr

Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has laid the foundation of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr. Its aim is to spread Faqr in a more organized and proper channel. Furthermore, it is a registered organization since October 2009. Regardless of any sect, group or school of thought, Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr welcomes all the Muslims. In fact, it is an invitation for those who seek to sanctify their soul and vision of Allah. Therefore, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman purifies the inwards of his disciples without involving them in hard mystic exercises or lengthy prayers. Finally, he has made the bounty of Faqr common and approachable for everyone. That is why he grants Ism-e-Allah Zaat for invocation and contemplation to Muslims all over the world. He grants Ism-e-Allah Zaat with and without oath of allegiance.

Facility for Oath of Allegiance

For those who want to swear oath of allegiance, personal meeting is preferred. However, it is not compulsory which is quite impressive and miraculous. In this way, he is the first one to make oath possible for overseas. Initially, oath required personal meeting. Since 2014, he has made it possible for the foreigner seekers to take the oath of allegiance. It is through the internet via a written oath form and audio calls. Later on, he sends Ism-e-Allah Zaat by post. Indeed, this is a milestone in the history of mysticism. Allah has truly blessed him with impeccable spiritual powers to make it possible.

However, it is compulsory for females belonging to Lahore and males living in Pakistan to have meeting for oath of allegiance. Although females and males living outside Pakistan can swear oath of allegiance.

Departments of TDF

Following are the major departments of Tehreek Dawat e Faqr:

  1. Publications

  2. Digital Productions

  3. Multimedia Design and Development

  4. Dawat-o-Tableegh (Invitation and Preaching)

  5. Bait-ul-Maal (Treasury)

  6. Langar (food for devotees)

  7. Security

  8. Department of Information & Broadcasting

  9. Establishment of Khanqah of Sarwari Qadri Order

Allah says in the Holy Quran

Shaykh Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar Suhrawardi says:

“In this verse, ‘houses’ refer to khanqahs.” (Airaf al-Maroof)

Khanqah refers to that place where the seekers of Allah practice the invocation (zikr) of Ism-e-Allah Zaat day and night. This is where they get the company and guidance of the perfect spiritual guide to purify their souls to get enriched with the closeness of Allah.

Foundation of Khanqah

On the Friday of 23rd October 2009, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman established the Khanqah of Sarwari Qadri Order. Islamic date was 3, Dhu al-Qidah, 1430 H. It established in 4/A Sultan-ul-Faqr House, Education Town, Wahdat Road, Lahore.

This khanqah has its doors open for everyone regardless of his status, sect or school of thought. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman meets the seekers of Allah in this khanqah on every Sunday.

Construction of new Khanqah and mosque

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen announced on 12 Rabi-ul-Awal 1437 H the project of new khanqah and a mosque. He requested the disciples to take part in it with great zeal. 

The khanqah has been named Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and Masjid-e-Zahra. The new khanqah’s construction has been completed. Now the construction of Masjid-e-Zahra is taking place donate wholeheartedly for the sacred cause. Visit for more info:

Zahra Mosque Entrance
Masjid-e-Zahra-The-Sacred mosque
Zahra Mosque
Zahra Mosque corridor
Zahra Mosque exit

Establishment of Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications Registered

In August 2006, he laid the foundation of Sultan ul Faqr Publications registered. So, the teachings of Faqr started to spread through books and magazines. This institution has published many books and its detail is present in the book’s section.


All the books published under the supervision of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen are available online at:

Anyone can read these books online. Furthermore, anyone can download these books free. Sultan ul Faqr Publications office is present within Sultan ul Faqr House 4-5/A, Education Town, Wahdat Road, Lahore.

To make monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr Magazine Lahore available for the entire world, Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr has made its exclusive website:

Multimedia Design and Development

To spread the message of Faqr in entire world, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has established the department of Multimedia Design and Development. Under this department, following websites are present:

Sultan Bahoo:

Tehreek Dawat e Faqr:
Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications:
Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr:
Khanqah Silsila Sarwari Qadri:
Sultan-ul-Faqr Library:
By reading the teachings of Faqr online, the seekers of Allah are able to reach out to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Moreover, they are able to take online oath of allegiance.

In addition, this department has also made this special website, which is.

Above-mentioned websites are based upon Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman ‘s Life History and his books. Therefore, this website is informative for his disciples and devotees who want to know about him.

Sultan-ul-Faqr Digital Productions
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Rehman laid the foundation of the department of Sultan-ul-Faqr Digital Production. Actually, it is a sub-department of Sultan-ul-Faqr Multimedia Design and Development. Furthermore, this department is responsible to spread the teachings of Faqr through audios and videos by these websites:
This department is also running following audio and video channels on Video social media.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen TV:
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen TV. Shorts:
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr TV:
Sultan Bahoo Official TV:
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr TV:
Sultan Bahoo TV | Official TV:
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen TV:
Sultan-ul-Faqr Tv:
Sultan Bahoo tv:
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen tv:
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen TV:
Sultan Bahoo TV:
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr TV:

Audios and Videos of following are available on this website:

  1. Hymns (Hamd)
  2. Poems in praise of the Holy Prophet (Naat)
  3. Qasida Burda Sharif
  4. Mawlid
  5. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman
  6. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali
  7. Muharram programs
  8. Death anniversary (Urs) of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
  9. Poetry of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah
  10. Poetry of Allama Iqbal
  11. Death anniversary of Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah.
  12. Death anniversary of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali
  13. Sultan Bahoo’s poetry
  14. Poetry of Pir Ghafoor Shah
  15. Death anniversary of Sultan Bahoo
  16. Poetry of Sayyid Abdul Aziz
  17. Poetry of Mian Mohammad Bakhsh
  18. Sultan-ul-Faqr Digital Productions has its own YouTube and daily motion channels.
  19. Social Media
  20. Social Media department of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr is working under the Multimedia Design and Development and playing important role in spreading the Faqr. The detail of social media is given below:

Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr:
Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications:
Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr:
Sultan Bahoo:
Khanqah Sarwari Qadri:
Sarwari Qadri Saints:
Sultan Bahoo:
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr:
Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications:
Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr:
Khanqah Sarwari Qadri:
Sarwari Qadri Saints:
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr Regd:
Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications:
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr:

Audios and videos of Hamd (praise of Allah), Naat (praise of Holy Prophet), mystic poetry of spiritual guides of Sarwari Qadri order, poetry of Iqbal, all 201 couplets of Sultan Bahoo are prepared and uploaded by this department. It also prepares and uploads videos of all events celebrated by Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr under presidentship of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen as well as videos of his preaching tours. Moreover, it is also recording and uploading lectures regarding teachings of Faqr.

Annual Spiritual Events

In khanqah of Sarwari Qadri order, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman and his disciples celebrate all the holy events. Disciples decorate the entire khanqah on special occasions and make arrangements for gathering. They also arrange grand langar for the guests. There is open invitation for everyone without any discrimination. Hence, not only the disciples of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen from all around Pakistan but other people also attend these gatherings and gain blessings of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Thus, there is a gathering of thousands of people on every holy occasion.

Mawlid al-Nabi (Milad of Holy Prophet)

Mawlid of Prophet Mohammad is celebrated in khanqah of Sarwari Qadri order with great splendor on 12th Rabi al-awwal annually. All disciples participate in it with great zeal and zest. They start its preparations two months earlier and prepare encomiums and speeches elaborating grandeur of the Holy Prophet. On the holy occasion, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen graces the khanqah, then disciples present the encomiums and speeches. Afterwards, langar is served. Then, everyone gains the privilege of meeting Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen personally. Moreover, those who want to take oath of allegiance also get the opportunity.

Furthermore, on this holy event, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen also grants Ism-e-Mohammad to his disciples who have crossed the initial spiritual levels. Undoubtedly, contemplation of Ism-e-Mohammad further elevates them. Additionally, makes it easier for them to follow the path of Faqr by the benediction of Prophet Mohammad.

All guests leave the gathering after getting showers of Divine light and spiritual beneficence of the Holy Prophet.

Mawlid-Al-Nabi (Milad-e-Mustafa) Regarding Transference of Divine Trust (Faqr) to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s disciples also celebrate a grand Mawlid-Al-Nabi on 21st March every year with great enthusiasm regarding the day of transference of Divine Trust to him. This is the greatest and grandest gathering of disciples of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Not only from all over Pakistan but also from abroad his disciples attend this Mawlid with extreme devotion. In this gathering they recite Hamd, Naat and the eulogies written by disciples of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen who have attained to his divine reality through invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. These eulogies elaborate his grand status near Allah as well as his infinite beneficence upon his seekers. Besides, disciples also deliver speeches shedding light upon his biography, charismatic personality, endless struggle to spread Faqr and matchless grandeur. After the program, grand langar is served to all guests. At the end, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen personally meets everyone and blesses them with his kindness.

This is the second event of the year after Mawlid, where Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen grants Ism-e-Mohammad.

Commemoration of Urs Ceremonies

Apart from these two grand gatherings, other events Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen annually holds in khanqah are:

  • Commemoration of the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali on 10th Moharram in Karbala

  • Commemoration of the death anniversary of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani in Rabi ath-Thani

  • Death anniversary of Sultan Bahoo in Jumada ath-Thani

  • Death anniversary of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali.

Titles of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman

Allah gives titles to His beloveds

God gives His beloveds special titles according to their distinguishing attributes and levels.  So that the world gets to know their grandeur and the level of belovedness. In the Holy Quran, Allah addresses His beloved Prophet Mohammad sall’Allahu alayhi wa’alihi wasallam with beautiful titles. For example, Yaseen, Taha, Al-Muzzammil (Thou enwrapped), Al-Muddathir (thou who art covered) etc. Similarly, Allah titled Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani as al-Ghawth al-Azam, Mohiyuddin etc.

Titles in Sarwari Qadri Way

Likewise Sarwari Qadri Order follows this Sunna of Allah.  Every Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide gets a title from the Mohammadan Assembly. Like, the title of Sultan Bahoo is “Sultan-ul-Arifeen” i.e. “The sultan of knowers of Allah”

Titles of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman

Sultan Mohammad

Since, the Sarwari Qadri order exalted to ultimate heights due to the efforts of Sultan Bahoo. So, all the spiritual guides who came after Sultan Bahoo have the title of ‘Sultan Mohammad’. In short, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Sultan Bahoo and Pir Bahadur Ali Shah blessed Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman with title of ‘Sultan Mohammad’.


The title’ Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’ (The Sultan of Divine lovers) conferred upon Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman from the Mohammadan Assembly. It is due to his marvellous attribute of Divine love, which has dominated all his other attributes.


For the revival of true Islam and spread, its soul “Faqr”, he got the title of ‘Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-ul-Azam’. It means ‘The Reflection of al-Ghawth al-Azam’.


Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali conferred the title of ‘Aftab-e-Faqr’ upon his beloved spiritual heir Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. Its meaning is meaning ‘The Sun of Faqr’.  No doubt, he is the sun of Faqr, which is spreading its light in the whole world. Moreover, Faqr is not hidden now only due to his struggles.


He got title of ‘Shan-e-Faqr’, which means,   ‘The Glory of Faqr’.  Moreover, the reason of this title is that Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has manifested the glory of Sarwari Qadri Order. In addition, he has disclosed grandeur of all its spiritual leaders.


This title is the attributive title of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. In fact, it is associated to his marvel that he grants all his disciples the sultan of invocations ‘Hoo’. Moreover, he blesses seeker with it on very first day of oath of allegiance.

Beauty and Grandeur of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen

To describe the beauty of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman with humanly limitations would be injustice to his grandeur. In fact, words are inadequate to explain how impeccable and stunning he is. Since he possesses the light of Allah, his beauty is unexplainable. That is why only the true lovers of Allah can observe his real mesmerizing beauty. While seeing him, lovers wish for time to pause so they can absorb manifestation of Allah. Precisely speaking, every beautiful thing of the universe owes its beauty to the Divine beauty of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen.

Beautiful Eyes of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen

His eyes are a Divinity filled fathomless ocean. It seems so immense that it contains the answers to all questions, which exist in the entire universe. Undoubtedly, his eyes are the doors to the Mohammadan Assembly. Moreover, spiritual power of his gaze cleanses the inward of the seekers. He usually keeps his eyes down out of modesty. However, it takes only his one glance to change the inward of the seeker and bless him gnosis.

Dignity of Silence and Meaningful Speech

When he is silent, dignity covers him and no one dares to speak before him. Whenever, he speaks, his words are clearly audible and pleasant to hear. It is important to mention that his words have different meanings for different seekers according to their spiritual states. His words contain an ocean of meanings and are diverse. One phrase or sentence holds several meanings for a seeker, which he understands according to his inner state. He is always very logical and to the point. He speak in soft tones; no one has ever heard him shouting.

Light of Ism-e-Allah Zaat

His face is a prodigy of light of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. The lovers keep their eyes fixed upon his sacred face that exudes the light of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Sometimes the light glows so much that it becomes difficult to look at him. Each seeker reads it according to his spiritual status. Yet there is surely something for everyone to read.

Certainly, these words are not enough to describe the unmatched beauty of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.

Great Attributes & Beautiful Morals of Sultan ul Ashiqeen

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is at the highest pedestal of best morals. Indeed, all his attributes are the model and reflection of the beautiful attributes of the Holy Prophet. Therefore, it depicts that he is certainly on his footsteps. In short, patience, humility, perseverance, respecting others, modesty, magnanimity, dignity and courageousness are some of his attributes. Moreover, his glance is synonymous with benevolence, the word “compassion” does not fully describe his kind behaviour.  Thus, his sacred entity is perfect embodiment of beauty, excellence and kindness.

Un-believable Kindness

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman have a very kind and soft heart. Therefore, he cannot see anyone in pain and shares the sorrows of his disciples. However, he never tells his problems to anyone.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen loves His Disciples

He usually remains too busy in his work and activities of his organization Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr.  Even then, he spares time for his disciples to hear their issues and sacrifices his rest for this purpose. Moreover, his help and guidance reach the disciple in need, physically as well as spiritually. That is to say, he is aware of every esoteric and exoteric condition of all his disciples. Although, not every disciple is sincere towards him, even then he helps him. In addition, he does not keep even his insincere disciples deprived of his kind attention.  Furthermore, he forgives the mistakes of his disciples no matter how big they are. Rather, he makes them learn from the mistakes.

Moreover, hiding others faults is also one of his special attributes. But, he sagaciously makes the disciples aware of their shortcomings to improve themselves inwardly as well as outwardly.

Vast Knowledge of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is unprecedented in intelligence and wisdom. He is conversant not only with religious and inward knowledge but also with worldly and outward knowledge. Whether it is the knowledge of history, geography or science, law or politics, he has perfect command over them. It is a fact that the Fakirs have the inspirational knowledge. So, they become aware of knowledge of entire universe. However, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen not only has the inspirational knowledge but also the exoteric knowledge. Additionally, his literary work is the proof of his command over every kind of knowledge.

Devotion and Hard work

In addition to intelligence, hard work and dedication are his greatest attributes. In fact, his entire life is a struggle. Though Allah’s favours always remained with him, yet he left no stone unturned in his struggles.

He makes his efforts to the fullest that is why Allah blesses him to the fullest. Not only he works hard himself but also inculcates this attribute in his disciples. In this way, he persuades them to work with dedication and perseverance. His hard work becomes a source of inspiration for his disciples and keeps their spirits high.

Humility and Simplicity

These are his marvels. Although, he is s at ultimate levels yet he lives like common people out of his humility. He is simple in his ways of living yet very graceful and elegant.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen follows Sharia

Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman strictly follows sharia. He neither likes nor allows interaction of male and female disciples. Therefore, the male disciples cannot visit his house while the female disciples cannot enter khanqah. In this way, he has maintained the rules of shariah strictly. Moreover, he respects the women extremely and talks to them keeping his eyes lowered. Furthermore, he loves all children.

He is the best administrator and the patron. The way he supervises and organizes every department of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr, is unparalleled. Being on the footsteps of Prophet Mohammad, he is the ideal in any relationship or role.

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