Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Confers Spiritual Succession to Nasir Hameed

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Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Confers Spiritual
Succession to Nasir Hameed

At the sacred occasion of Mawlid celebrated on 10 November 2019, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman granted Khilafat (spiritual succession) to Nasir Hammed Sarwari Qadri. Whilst addressing the devotees on the occasion, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen said,

“Nasir Hameed is a very loyal disciple of ours. He stood by me through thick and thin with patience. He faced hardships, tribulations and sacrificed his every penny in the way of Allah. Nasir left his home for Allah. He rejected everything just for me. Therefore, today I grant him my khilafat and put my turban on his head. I pray that Allah may bless him steadfastness and success.”

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