Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) | Witness of the Universe

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)

Witness of the Universe

According to the Mohammadan Reality, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is the soul and foundation of this universe. Being the reality and base of existence, the Noor of his sacred self and perfect prophethood is present in each and every particle. On the basis of this presence, he is the witness and beholder of every bit of the universe. So his presence is constant and perpetual in each and every particle of the universe. He can appear at various places simultaneously in a blink and is present and watchful everywhere. It is the grandeur of the omnipresence of his life that he is watching every follower along with his actions. The Holy Quran reveals this fact as:

The Holy Quran

وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا

And this Apostle is a witness upon you. (2: 143)

وَجِئْنَا بِكَ عَلَى هَـؤُلاَءِ شَهِيدًا

And O’ beloved we would make you a witness upon all the creation. (4: 41)

  1. يَاأَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ شَاهِدًا وَمُبَشِّرًا وَنَذِيرًا

O’ Prophet Indeed! We sent you as a witness. (33: 45)

Remember! Every judicial court accepts an eyewitness and no one accepts any incident without a proof or authentic evidence. Nonetheless, we are discussing the matter of witness in the highest court of the universe.

  • Shaikh Ismael Haqi and Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi state that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is the witness of all the people because he recognises the status of every Momin or Muslim by the Noor of his prophethood like what is his spiritual level and he also knows about the reality of his faith. He is also familiar to the veil due to which he is stagnant and not progressing spiritually. Therefore, O’ Muslims! Holy Prophet (pbuh) knows your sins, levels of faith, bad or good deeds and sincerity or disloyalty towards Allah. That is why, the Islamic law for his umma in the world and the hereafter accepts his evidence.

Allah and His Prophet (pbuh) are Watching Every Deed

And Allah and His Prophet are watching your deeds

Quran says:

وَسَيَرَى اللّهُ عَمَلَكُمْ وَرَسُولُهُ

And Allah and His Prophet are watching your deeds. (9: 94)

In this verse, Allah told the Muslims that not only is He watching, His Prophet is also watching their actions. Does this verse imply that the Prophet was only watching actions of his sacred Companions? Let us suppose! If he was watching their actions only then, did the sacred Companions do all their actions in his presence? Did the Prophet not watch actions which they did in his absence or in their homes or out of sight? Verily, this verse implies that he was watching all of their actions. Hence this proves that the Prophet also observes actions not done in his physical presence. Similarly, he is also observing all the actions of his umma and is the witness of every action of his followers.

On the Doomsday he would also give the evidence for the people of his umma as how much they accepted the message of Allah and adopted patience. Allah says:

النَّبِيُّ أَوْلَى بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ

The Prophet is nearer to the Momins than their own selves. (33: 6)

In this verse Allah mentions Momin, not Muslim. Difference between a Muslim and a Momin is that a Muslim accepts the realities of religion by his tongue only while the Momin endorses them by his heart. There is a difference between Deen and Mazhab (religion). No momin is deprived of Prophet Mohammad’s (pbuh) closeness, as Iqbal says:

عاَلم ہے فقط مومنِ جانباز کی میراث

مومن نہیں جو صاحبِ لولاکؐ نہیں ہے

Meaning: The whole universe is the asset of a self-sacrificing Momin. That person cannot be a Momin who does not possess the nearness of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

The following Hadiths also endorse this fact:

Abu Huraira states a tradition that the Prophet said:

مَا مِنْ مُّؤْمِنٍ اِلَّا وَ اَنَا اَوْلٰی النَّاسِ بِہٖ فِی الدُّ نْیَا وَ الْاٰخِرَۃِ

There is not any Momin to whom I am not nearer than all the people in the world and the hereafter. (Bukhari Vol.1 and 2, Tafseer durre Mansoor Vol. 5)

Holy Prophet (pbuh) is hidden like the Angels

Bareeda says that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) stated:

یَا بَرِیْدَۃُ اَلَسْتُ اَوْلٰی بِالْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ مِنْ اَنْفُسِھِمْ قُلْتُ بَلٰی یَا رَسُولَ اللّٰہِ

Meaning: “O’ Bareeda! Am I not closer to all the Momins (faithful) more than their selves?” I replied, “Yes O’ my Prophet you are actually nearer to all the Momins more than their selves”. (Tafseer durre Mansoor Vol. 5)

According to  Ma’az Bin Jabble, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) expressed:

اِنَّ اَوْلَی النَّاسِ بِیَ الْمُتَّقُوْنَ مَنْ کَانُوْا وَحَیْثُ کَانُوْا

Meaning: Those people are nearest to me who are pious, whoever and wherever they are. (Mishkat Sharif, Musnad Ahmad)

Thus, this proves that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is spiritually close to every Momin but hides himself like the angels. The lucky one who removes his human veils gets his closeness and vision.

  • Allama Jalaluddin Suyuti expounds that the sacred Hadiths prove that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is alive along with his soul and body. Indeed, he visits and exercises his authority all over the physical world, in the unseen world, in the world of angels, in the world of souls and wherever he wishes. He has the same form and countenance as he had prior to his passing away, nothing has changed. Of course! He has been kept hidden from the sight of the people, just as the angels are invisible although they are alive with their bodies. Whom Allah wants to bless with the vision of His beloved, removes all the veils from him and that fortunate one beholds the real face and sacred personality of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Then, nothing can become a hurdle in the way to behold his human body and this vision does not refer to the exemplary body.

Experiences with the Holy Prophet (pbuh)

  • Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti had sacred vision of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) for seventy-five times with his open eyes and he asked him about all those Hadiths which the researchers discarded due to lack of authentic evidence. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) endorsed and rectified them and then Imam Suyuti wrote them correctly. (Mizan al-Kubra Lil Sharani Vol.1)
  • It is a tradition that  Abdullah Bin Salam called on   Usman Ghani when he was in the siege.   Usman told him, “The Prophet came to me in the siege and expressed, “O Usman have those people surrounded you?” I replied, “Yes my Prophet”. He asked again, “Have they kept you thirsty?” I answered, “Yes”. Then the Holy Prophet (pbuh) hanged down a bucket of water, I had the water to quench my thirst till I felt cool in my chest and between the shoulders. Then he asked, “Would you like to be helped against the enemy or would you like to have Iftar with us (in the paradise)?” I accepted his invitation of having iftar with him.” The same day   Usman was martyred. (Havi al Fatava Vol.2)
  • Imam Abdul Wahab Sherani along with his eight companions learned Sahih Bukhari from the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in awaken state. (Faiz-ul-Bari-ul-Kashmiri Vol.1)

According to Shaikh Abu Al A’as Marsy, he has never been separated from the Holy Prophet (pbuh) even once in the past forty years and he keeps beholding him every moment. If Holy Prophet (pbuh) is out of sight even for the moment of a blink, he would not consider himself a Muslim. (Jam-e-Karamat-e-Auliya)

The Divine Trust of Faqr and Sultan Bahoo’s Experience of

The Divine trust of Faqr and all the spiritual levels are received from the court of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and nobody can attain any level of sainthood and closeness to Allah without Holy Prophet (pbuh)’s mediation and permission.

Sultan Bahoo writes in his book Ameer-ul-Kaunain, “I have been wandering in search of a Perfect Murshid for thirty years, but I could not find the one according to my requirement. At last,   Ali took me riding to Holy Prophet (pbuh)’s court in the spiritual world. He was very happy to see me and said, “Hold my hand”. So he took my bayat and persuaded and commanded me, “O’ Bahoo! Help Allah’s creations spiritually”. Afterwards he handed me over to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and uttered, “This Faqeer Bahoo is my spiritual son, grant him your spiritual persuasion and inculcation.” So he also honored me with his spiritual beneficence.”

This experience of Sultan Bahoo reveals the eternal life of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He is the witness of everyone and is watching everybody’s actions, as the evidence is always given when something is observed. Without eyewitness, no evidence is accepted anywhere. Hence, on the Day of Judgment, he would not only be a witness of every member of his Umma but also of the people of the past nations because the Real Existence which is the all-seeing and all-hearing since pre-eternity is the same and that is the Mohammadan Reality.


This blog is an English translation of an Urdu article of the magazine “Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr Lahore” for the month of October 2021. The title of the Urdu article is:

Mohammad (SAW) Shahid-e-Kainat ( حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم شاھد کاینات).

Originally penned by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is presently in English by Mohammad Bin Moghees Sarwari Qadri, exclusively for websites.

Mohammad (SAW) Shahid-e-Kainat

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